oh God oh God oh God


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Feb 24, 2008
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So mine, and probably yours as well biggest nightmare came true. I was cleaning my table with a swifter that puffs out and went to drop my needle and heard a scratching noise so I lifted the arm up right away and my stylus is hanging out to the extreme right side, not even left field but right ahhhhh. Its just broke in to, its the Exact by Rega for my P5.

What now? I have the Rega fono and a Moon LP3 that is MM and MC all I have to do is lift the lid and flick the switch for MC on the Moon. What cartridge would anyone else go with, I like the rega but since its done now it is the time to move.

I listen to it all from Metallica-Tori Amos-Willie Nelson

the record spot

Ortofon 2M Bronze, or the Black. Both are good, both are MM and both ought to be within your budget and both have enjoyed fine reviews.

See also Goldring 1022-GX at around £180. Superb for the money.


heres the tecnical stuff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_cartridge

practically output is less so youre phono amp needs a mc input and you cant change needles your moon has mc input so no problem


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Mar 29, 2008
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Here's my tip for dusting turntables. Gets in all the nooks and crannies, gives you plenty of control and is stylus friendly. Also, always dust with the stylus guard on - it only takes the slightest of knocks to wreck it. Imaging doing what you did to a £2k stylus! I know this advice is all well and good after the event but personally I wouldn't have that Swiffer anywhere near my tt.


For a 500 GBP replacement I would be looking at the Audio-Technica OC9ML/II or the Ortofon Rondo Blue (for MC) and the Ortofon 2M Black (for MM). I have not had a Rega cart so cannot comment on the virtues of them.


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Feb 24, 2008
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Iam looking more towards the Ortofon Black for some richness and from what I have read its not the best MM around but for the price it handles its own and Im not overshooting my P5 and TTPSU with this Cart. Iam not sure how many of you have heard Parasound but I own the JC2 pre and A21 power with the Proac's so Im looking for some thickness especially for the harder rock I like to listen to. Iam in the right direction with this cartridge for that affect?


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Jun 2, 2008
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Mike_Schmidt:Iam looking more towards the Ortofon Black for some richness ..... ....so Im looking for some thickness especially for the harder rock I like to listen to. I am in the right direction with this cartridge for that affect?

Hmmm. For specifically what you are asking for above, I would recommend the Goldring 1042. Rich, deep dark bass, drama aplenty, HUGE soundstage (for a MM) and works with Rega RB arms like they were made for each other.

floyd droid

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Sep 5, 2008
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EarsEarsEars:You know, guys, there's this brilliant new format for storing digital copies of music, called Compact Disc. It's going to be huge....

Todays starter for ten , spot the anagram lads


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Jun 2, 2008
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floyd droid:
EarsEarsEars:You know, guys, there's this brilliant new format for storing digital copies of music, called Compact Disc. It's going to be huge....

Todays starter for ten , spot the anagram lads

Something you might hear Father Jack saying rather a lot?


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Mar 29, 2008
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EarsEarsEars:You know, guys, there's this brilliant new format for storing digital copies of music, called Compact Disc. It's going to be huge....

This is the Turntables and LPs section so you must have wandered in here by accident. The door's over there. :)

OP, you could put a £40 cart on your tt and I'd defy you to tell the difference from a £500 cart blindfolded (have I split my whatsits there? Never mind). The presentation depends mostly on your phono stage/amp, amp and speakers.

OK, that's an exaggeration but I'm saying you can't simply change one component in the vinyl replay chain and expect a major difference. Just changing the stylus will make a subtle difference and not significant enough for what the OP desires, IMO.


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Feb 24, 2008
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this is it, the one....Dynavector Karot is the choice for me. After alot of research and studying with my RB700 tone arm this cart seems to fit fine and for 1000 a little more than I wanted to spend but eh. Question is my exact is 5.5 mv and this is less than half when I bump my phono stage to MC how much volume am I going to lose.


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Jun 2, 2008
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Mike_Schmidt:this is it, the one....Dynavector Karot is the choice for me.

If you mean the Karat 17D3 then it has an extremely short cantilever so this will make the arm height more critical than usual.

Not so much from the point of view of VTA but to avoid the cartridge body contacting with the record when playing. The body is 'raked' off behind the stylus (as are all cartridges) but I would advise checking around to see what measures you might need to take to correct the arm height if it proves necessary.

The RB700 is a three point fixing so you can use one of these or one of these.

Best to compare the Dynavector depth (when playing under correct tracking force) compared to the depth of a Rega cartridge. If the Dynavector is shorter then you should get away with it. If it is much deeper then you will probably need a spacer.

Here is the shape of the Karat to illustrate what I mean....


As you can see that short stylus does not leave much clearance or room for error.