Oh dear Oh dear

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Craig M.:
source was a hdx and he did have a power supply but i don't know what. it looked like the poweramp if that helps? turned out after chatting for a while, he had seen me at a naim demo at a local dealers. when i whispered to my gf that i wasn't very impressed*, it would seem i didn't whisper as quietly as i thought i had!

* i may have used another term.

Thanks Craig. Once I've paid for this lot and got the Power supplies sorted, thinking of the NDac. Assuming the PS was a supercap or higher. Could be a flatcapxs as well I suppose.
True Blue:chebby:True Blue:...here we have 20 people who really dont have anything in common, including language, mostly dont like each other...That sounds eerily reminiscent of something very familiar
Please explain???? Internet forums.

Ahhhhh, but I have met you and Torres09 and gregvet. TBH all on here, seems exceedingly nice people, who, unfortunately due to geographical location I will be unable to meet. Least we have a common interest [🙂]
True Blue:Craig M.:
source was a hdx and he did have a power supply but i don't know what. it looked like the poweramp if that helps? turned out after chatting for a while, he had seen me at a naim demo at a local dealers. when i whispered to my gf that i wasn't very impressed*, it would seem i didn't whisper as quietly as i thought i had!

* i may have used another term.

Thanks Craig. Once I've paid for this lot and got the Power supplies sorted, thinking of the NDac. Assuming the PS was a supercap or higher. Could be a flatcapxs as well I suppose.

STOP! At least for a week or two!
Great quote in the mag tonight, all the more surprising because it was said by an American.

"It's all about your senses. Thing is, music, when it's properly played back, has a euphoric quality. If you're receptive to music, it can change the way you feel, it can recharge you, reinvigorate you, thrill you, move you. And isn't that worth spending money on?"

+1 indeed, but not to lose sight of the fact that someone somewhere has to make the music in the first place, and believe me playing an instrument no matter how **** handed is a million times more satisfying however you look at it. £3k on my hifi system or £1k on the real Gibson, I know what was the best VFM for me by a country mile. Musicians rarely upgrade their instruments, simply add to the pool, and that is ultimately a much more satisfying and chilled, less fretful approach than the kite chasing that hi fi perhaps is.

And, I take deep offence to your anti dire straits stance. Deeply unfashionable indeed they became, but only to those who can't be bothered to distinguish between a flatted fifth from a minor 7th. For a bloke that plays a Fender, he aint bad...

EDIT - not sure why the word "c a c k" has been censored, seems the swear filter is set to 29mph perhaps.....
JoelSim:True Blue:Craig M.:
source was a hdx and he did have a power supply but i don't know what. it looked like the poweramp if that helps? turned out after chatting for a while, he had seen me at a naim demo at a local dealers. when i whispered to my gf that i wasn't very impressed*, it would seem i didn't whisper as quietly as i thought i had!

* i may have used another term.

Thanks Craig. Once I've paid for this lot and got the Power supplies sorted, thinking of the NDac. Assuming the PS was a supercap or higher. Could be a flatcapxs as well I suppose.

STOP! At least for a week or two!

Scary isnt it. Think VISA will stop me first. No upgrades now till XMAS, then only a NAPSC
Great quote in the mag tonight, all the more surprising because it was said by an American.

"It's all about your senses. Thing is, music, when it's properly played back, has a euphoric quality. If you're receptive to music, it can change the way you feel, it can recharge you, reinvigorate you, thrill you, move you. And isn't that worth spending money on?"

+1 indeed, but not to lose sight of the fact that someone somewhere has to make the music in the first place, and believe me playing an instrument no matter how **** handed is a million times more satisfying however you look at it. £3k on my hifi system or £1k on the real Gibson, I know what was the best VFM for me by a country mile. Musicians rarely upgrade their instruments, simply add to the pool, and that is ultimately a much more satisfying and chilled, less fretful approach than the kite chasing that hi fi perhaps is.

And, I take deep offence to your anti dire straits stance. Deeply unfashionable indeed they became, but only to those who can't be bothered to distinguish between a flatted fifth from a minor 7th. For a bloke that plays a Fender, he aint bad...

I think I'll stick with hifi given I don't know the difference between a B flat and a council house.


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