now im totally lost


New member
Aug 10, 2019
was all set to buy panny 50in plasma this weekend for £1100 then i read the awards issue and sony kdl46w500wins best 46in i'd pretty much discounted large screen lcd so i called in currys on my way home and there it was in full glory and playing perfect storm on bluray the picture was out of this world the texture of the ocean as the wind whips up the waves makes you feel like your abuot to get wet. its a bit over budget and not the 50in i wanted so i will have that decision to make. have sony managed to overcome the sd veiwing problems as this was always my concern with big screen lcd along with motion blur,watched the footy on a pals old lcd and i could swear there were two goalies,i watch sd through sky and not freeview.I have no cocerns over hd be it skyhd or bluray
I know how you feel. I thought it was pretty clear cut after just about every place recommended the panasonic plasmas. I initially liked their picture as it looks more natural than almost every (every?) LCD including Sony's latest W and Z range. I just watched them unpack and tune in a brand new 200hz sony today and whilst it looks great on full hd promo material it was dire on standard quality broadcast. Colours also seemed to garish compared to the Panas. - Back to the panasonics, I find their picture better on sd but on the whole, incl HD, they look to soft to me and the whites are ... well ... not very white.

There can only be one and that's Pioneers Kudos. Everything else is just a big compromise. I was in awe of the picture, its simply stunning and beautiful. In addition the set itself looks lovely in its simplicity, nothing to detract from what its intended to do.

Problem is, I want to buy some hifi too so I can't afford to spend £2200 on a telly. I am considering the predecessor, the PDP-5080XD-T, which is available for £1500 or so. Its not full HD but I wonder if thats a sacrifice worth making.
i plan to spend £1600 but i want a bluray player as well just found the sony kdl 46w4500 for a shade over £1200 at rgb so that puts it slap bang in pannys ball park just to make the the decission that much more difficult


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