Non techie girl needs advice - wants to join the brave new world of HD / BlueRay


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Have been very happy with my TV Panasonic VS-32PD and Sony DVD recorder RDR-HX1000 as recommended by What Hifi. I am about to get sky HD+ (for my boyfriend who loves football but is useless with technology).

Am thinking of Philips 32 PFL7404 – can only have a 32 size cos of the oddly designed lounge we have. Sky HD+ box is on order.

In terms of a Blue- Ray player? With this new TV will I notice the difference between the Sony BDP-S360 and Sony BDP-S760 in terms of both picture and sound (as I plan to use it as my main CD player). I am not bothered about using the USB for pictures or Wifi connection.

We plan to get surround sound. My boyfriend is not convinced about the need to buy separates ( I was thinking of something like the b&w but had no thoughts re the amp other than it needs to be two zone). Is there a huge difference in terms of the quality of sound between the above and the Sony BDV 360 IS

Many thanks for your replies in advance

Gabrielmelvoin:blu ray is expensive but so worth it!

Great first post
Interesting post for me as that is the TV I'm going to buy next month, Blu Ray to follow. Had initially been looking at the S360 myself but have read such stunning reviews of the S760 I'm getting VERY tempted! Thoughts would be welcome if the Philips will do it justice, though (sorry for hijacking your post! lol)

Have been very happy with my TV Panasonic VS-32PD and Sony DVD recorder RDR-HX1000 as recommended by What Hifi. I am about to get sky HD+ (for my boyfriend who loves football but is useless with technology).

Am thinking of Philips 32 PFL7404 - can only have a 32 size cos of the oddly designed lounge we have. Sky HD+ box is on order.

In terms of a Blue- Ray player? With this new TV will I notice the difference between the Sony BDP-S360 and Sony BDP-S760 in terms of both picture and sound (as I plan to use it as my main CD player). I am not bothered about using the USB for pictures or Wifi connection.

We plan to get surround sound. My boyfriend is not convinced about the need to buy separates ( I was thinking of something like the b&w but had no thoughts re the amp other than it needs to be two zone). Is there a huge difference in terms of the quality of sound between the above and the Sony BDV 360 IS

Many thanks for your replies in advance


Hi Shaz I am Gel nice to meet you.

Yes I think these days there is a big diiference separates are definetely the way to go.

I would say B&W is a great choice.
It all starts with....the budget...... what's your budget?

The Sony S760 is better than the S360, but you'll be better served by going for the S360 & investing the extra money into a better quality amp.......this will give you far better results.

On a 32 inch screen, I don't think you'll appreciate much difference between the S360 & the S760.

Have been very happy with my TV Panasonic VS-32PD and Sony DVD recorder RDR-HX1000 as recommended by What Hifi. I am about to get sky HD+ (for my boyfriend who loves football but is useless with technology).

Am thinking of Philips 32 PFL7404 - can only have a 32 size cos of the oddly designed lounge we have. Sky HD+ box is on order.

In terms of a Blue- Ray player? With this new TV will I notice the difference between the Sony BDP-S360 and Sony BDP-S760 in terms of both picture and sound (as I plan to use it as my main CD player). I am not bothered about using the USB for pictures or Wifi connection.

We plan to get surround sound. My boyfriend is not convinced about the need to buy separates ( I was thinking of something like the b&w but had no thoughts re the amp other than it needs to be two zone). Is there a huge difference in terms of the quality of sound between the above and the Sony BDV 360 IS

Many thanks for your replies in advance


i doubt youll see the benefits of a high quality bluray player on a 32inch tv , not picturewise anyway , but the s760 is said to be better sonically than some lesser sony players ..
Gabrielmelvoin:blu ray is expensive but so worth it!

Great first post

Hahahahahahaha, that's funny!!!

Well it depends on budget obviously, and distance from screen. If you sit the 'right' distance from the screen your sight should be able to resolve the detail in a 1080p picture,and you should be able to discern between the quality of the various sources.

However if you tend to sit at the further end of the distance scale then you would probaly be better served with a lower budget source and spend more on the sound.

Ideal disatnce for 1080p on a 32" screen is between 4 - 6.5ft I believe. Any further away and you may not be able to see all the details, so stumping for a better source may not be the ideal investment.

Also Sky+ broadcasts HD at 1080i resolution and some people switch there box to 720p as it looks 'better'.
bigboss: On a 32 inch screen, I don't think you'll appreciate much difference between the S360 & the S760.


Budget is critical. I'd be tempted to look at the latest Sony or Panasonic all-in-one Blue-ray/surround package if your budget was sub-£400 for the lot. WHF's comparison is in the mag on-sale tomorrow.

More than that then separates are undoubtably the way forward.
Are you bothered how much space the speakers occupy or how they look?
I too would consider a Blu-ray cinema system if you're restricted on space. The latest crop - reviewed in the latest issue - are incredibly good for the money, and there are some real bargains to be had. As mentioned, you can pick up the winning system from our test for under £400...


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