No sound from either Turntable


Apr 21, 2024
Hi, so i have 2 Turntables that both worked when i bought them. The SL1200Mk2 is connected to the Phono1 input on the Mixer as the amp doesnt come with a phono Input.
From the Mixer i have a phono lead that goes into the A1 or any channel on the Cambridge Amplifier. From the back of the amplifier , i have wires going from the speaker outputs to the Speakers. I swapped both the turntables over and stil no sound. Any ideas what im doing wrong please?
It's a question of trial and error, one thing at a time.
Try the A1 channel with another input, such as a CD player. If you get sound, then it's the turntable or turntable leads. If you don't get sound, then it's the amp or the speakers.
If the amp has headphones, try that. If that works, it's the speakers or the speaker cable.
And so forth. Just keep changing one component at a time until you find the guilty party.
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So the mixer has an input marked Phono but does it, in fact, have an inbuilt phono preamp??
If it's not actually amplifying the output of your cartridge there is obviously an issue but you should at least hear something...... So perhaps it is a connection issue.
Most people in your position would use an external phono preamp rather than a 'mixer'.
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Thats what i wondered. The mixer is gemini mxr 01 mixer and the fact theres no sound at all im wondering whether just to buy a bog standard phone pre amp in case?
Thats what i wondered. The mixer is gemini mxr 01 mixer and the fact theres no sound at all im wondering whether just to buy a bog standard phone pre amp in case?
If there's no sound at all then there's definitely something wrong somewhere as if it was the lack of a preamp with RIAA correction then you should get a very low sound with virtually no bass and a treble so bright it's about like nails being scratched down a blackboard. Are you sure there's no sound at all because if so and both decks are the same then it points to a problem with the mixer, the connections to it or the connections from the mixer to the speakers. Check one thing at a time as others have said. Do you have another source, CD player for instance, that you can connect directly to the speakers and then to the mixer to see what actually works, or doesn't?
Hi, so i have 2 Turntables that both worked when i bought them.
If that's true, what were you using them with at that time?

Presumably you've got the mixer channels switched to phono and not line.
You've got the level LEDs in the mixer for cue and main out - should be showing something.

As others have said, get a working line source (such as CD) into that A1 to start the diagnosis.
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If there's no sound at all then there's definitely something wrong somewhere as if it was the lack of a preamp with RIAA correction then you should get a very low sound with virtually no bass and a treble so bright it's about like nails being scratched down a blackboard. Are you sure there's no sound at all because if so and both decks are the same then it points to a problem with the mixer, the connections to it or the connections from the mixer to the speakers. Check one thing at a time as others have said. Do you have another source, CD player for instance, that you can connect directly to the speakers and then to the mixer to see what actually works, or doesn't?
I thought he said mixer was connected to the amplifier and the speakers were connected to that...
I thought he said mixer was connected to the amplifier and the speakers were connected to that...
Yes, you're right and I was getting mixed up with the thread including active speakers. In this case the CD player should be used first into the amp and if that works then via the mixer on line in sockets. If that works then the problem is most likely to be with the phono input on the mixer. Has that input been used before and did it work as it should? Could it be that, like some amplifiers, the phono stage on the mixer was an optional extra and is otherwise not connected?


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