new speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a quad 99 set up consisting of the CDP2 and 99 power amps. My speakers are a hangover from a previous set up, B&W 601SE. I'm after some advice on some suitable speakers for this system as i feel the B&Ws are letting the side down. I have approx £1000, would prefer stand mounts, my room is 5m by 4m, carpeted with pictures on the walls, basically a normal type of living room.m also, any of you kind people have any experience of van damme speaker cables with quad kit?

I'm trying to not sound like a broken record but I'd try Spendor. The SA1s will lap up the glorious midrange from the Quad, as exercised by my 405!
I'd dismiss the SA1. Very boxy sound. The s3e was a better all-rounder, IMO.

Maybe consider the A5?
What on earth did you audition the SA1s with? Boxy isn't one of the words I would ever use to describe them. Far from it in fact.
Primare, Arcam, Cyrus... the usual.

They're a small sealed-box; it isn't unusual.

The SA1 is much nicer and clearer than the 3/5, but I just liked the s3e for more modern music. It felt like it breathed more easily.
Monitor Audio GS10's IMO
You've got a great setup already. Too bad Quad doesn't make speakers that are up to their electronics standards.

Try the Epos. Even the small ELS3 really sang with the Quad gear. Sounded rich and clear. Absolutely superb!ÿ
My Rega r3's are still sounding great.

Have you decided on speakers yet Batonwielder?
Thank you one and all, you've given me a fair few ideas. Spendor, Pro Ac and MA are all on my demo list. No one mentioned the Ruark Sabres, will be giving these a go too. Will post back on results, may be a while yet though. still having a ponder on cables though.

give the ATC SCM11's a go at £850,very netural and should sound good with the Quads.
Gears of Law:
My Rega r3's are still sounding great.

Have you decided on speakers yet Batonwielder?

Yeah, it's going to be the R3's. I can't wait to get them. Right now I'm torn between Naim Nait 5i and Rega Mira 3 for them. Check out my thread.ÿ


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