Bot bot and Casca, I think a few points need to be clarified on some of the BD players, present and future!
Casca - I think it's good to hear about peoples' experiences with players, as reviews can only go so far. The actual day to day running is probably just as important to potential buyers.
As bot bot pointed out, some of the reviews of the Sharp BD-HP20H were good, but not outstanding. There was particular reference to it's upscaling abilities. My advice would be to audition the player first! It is after all down to personal prefence and perception! Reviewers are only human after all!
The Sharp BD-HP20H is not alone in being able to decode Dolby TrueHD. The Pioneer BDP-LX70A, Samsung BD-P1400 and Sony BDP-S500 can also internally decode and output Dolby True HD (via HDMI).
However, only the Pioneer BDP-LX70A and Samsung BD-P1400 can decode and output DTS-HD Master Audio. The BD-P1400 can only do this after the firmware 1.1 update. This can be done by ethernet or by DVD-R/RW. Given that all 20th Century Fox and New Line Cinema (Rush Hour 3) titles have DTS-HD MA, then this is a must. Both players can output all HD audio formats via HDMI or via 5.1 phono outputs. Disney encode LPCM 5.1 on their BDs, so the 5.1 phonos come into their own! Disney also encode DD 5.1.
Note, the Sony BDP-S500 can decode DTS-HD MA but it down converts to DTS 5.1. Maybe there is a firmware update available?
Note, firmware updates don't need to be through ethernet, as most players can accept DVD-R/RW updates.
Like the Sharp, our Samsung has played every disc faultlessly, including all extras. Rush Hour 3 has picture in picture, and the Samsung decodes that with no problems either! Who needs profile 1.1?
Having read lots of reviews about the Samsung, I would never have believed how good it was going to be. Perhaps there is a good reason to let the USA and Japan have products first, iron out their bugs and we get the finished article!!!
If having lossless HD audio is important to you, then the Pioneer and Samsung are the only current UK players to cater for your needs. Given that the Samsung can be purchased for as little as £249 then it's got to be considered a bargain! We paid £319 back in October, which was a good price then. We are absolutely thrilled to bits with it.
If Profile 1.1 and 2.0 is important to you, then just a short wait and there should be quite a few new models coming out from April onwards.
Panasonic DMP-BD30 (well received in the US), new Panasonic DMP-BD50 (Profile 2.0), Philips BDP7200 (first one for the UK), Sharp BD-HP50H (Upmarket model - possibly also a model '30' replacement for the '20') and the new Samsung BD-P1500 to replace the BD-P1400.
As reported on here, Samsung have a dual format BD-UP5000 out in the US. This could be released in the UK or more likely the BD-P5500 will come to the UK in May. Beware though, the current BD-UP5000 doesn't have 5.1 phono outputs, so HD audio is only available via HDMI.
There are also models from Denon and Marantz in the pipeline, but expect them to be pricey. I would guess that newer models from Philips, Samsung, Sharp and Panasonic will start out at £250-300, but prices will drop quickly, especially on the internet and through a famous pile them high and sell them off cheap high street chain!
All the specifications and information provided above are given in good faith. Having downloaded all the manuals and product guides for all BD players, I hope I have reproduced the information accurately. Please do check the information before buying!
Finally, for those who might wish to know, the English 'surround' audio provided by the studios on their discs is as follows....
Warner Brothers - DD 5.1 / DD 5.1EX and LPCM 5.1^
^ Led Zeppelin Song Remains - DD TrueHD 5.1 and DD 5.1
MGM/Columbia/Sony - DD 5.1 and LCPM 5.1*
* Close Encounters Of the Third Kind DD True HD 5.1 and DTS-HD 5.1
Disney/Pixar/Buena Vista/Touchstone - DD 5.1 and LPCM 5.1
20th Century Fox - DTS-HD 5.1 only
New Line Cinema - DTS-HD 7.1 only
Eagle Vision (Music) - DTS-HD 96/24 5.1 and LPCM Stereo
Columbia/Sony Music - DD 5.1 and LPCM 5.1