New Radiohead album, King Of Limbs - initial impressions?

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Charlie Jefferson:Okay, the easy answer would include phrases like "horses for courses" and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Ooh get you. Maybe he just didnt like it, as its more wibbly nonsense form a once good band. And your response was not nuanced, it was patronising and show-offy.

And...Jive Bunny?!
i think it's a self indulgent and lazy effort, a couple of good tracks but the rest don't appeal to me at all...

just my views
Charlie Jefferson:Okay, the easy answer would include phrases like "horses for courses" and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Ooh get you. Maybe he just didnt like it, as its more wibbly nonsense form a once good band. And your response was not nuanced, it was patronising and show-offy.

And...Jive Bunny?!

I'm sorry but to talk about Radiohead as if they have been in decline since OK Computer (In Rainbows is in my too 10 albums ever) is ridiculous. This is only superseded by muttering Talk Talk in the same sentence. I've not had a chance to listen to the new album properly but I won't jump on the critical bandwagon after a couple of spins.
Charlie Jefferson:Okay, the easy answer would include phrases like "horses for courses" and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Ooh get you. Maybe he just didnt like it, as its more wibbly nonsense form a once good band. And your response was not nuanced, it was patronising and show-offy.

And...Jive Bunny?!

Al 7478, you should start a new thread: When Guitar Bands Go Bad.

Sorry you mistook my attempt at a fuller evaluation for being showy and patronizing. It's the downside of being better informed.

Oh, there I go again. . .
Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.Really,so all this fuss beause you can download it one day early?

Charlie Jefferson:Okay, the easy answer would include phrases like "horses for courses" and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Ooh get you. Maybe he just didnt like it, as its more wibbly nonsense form a once good band. And your response was not nuanced, it was patronising and show-offy.

And...Jive Bunny?!

I'm sorry but to talk about Radiohead as if they have been in decline since OK Computer (In Rainbows is in my too 10 albums ever) is ridiculous.

No it is not, it is a perfectly viable opinion based on listening experience, and my personaly musical tastes, but intellectualize if you wish.
Charlie Jefferson:al7478:

Charlie Jefferson:Okay, the easy answer would include phrases like "horses for courses" and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Ooh get you. Maybe he just didnt like it, as its more wibbly nonsense form a once good band. And your response was not nuanced, it was patronising and show-offy.

And...Jive Bunny?!

Oh, there I go again. . .

Yes, there you go forgetting that being well informed has nothing to do with liking an album or not liking it.
Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!

Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!
Good point,who was it that gave away the free album a couple of years ago?

Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!

Good point,who was it that gave away the free album a couple of years ago?

This is now available online streamed.

My initial thoughts are - it's pants a la Kid A/Amnesiac.

I thought they'd redeemed themselves with Hail to the Thief and In Rainbows. Never mind, I'll save my £9.00.
Really don't like it!. I find it a Lazy record. Radiohead going through the motions i am afraid which really disappoints me!

Just my opinion though! Bring back the cutting edge OK Computer any day of the week!

Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!
Good point,who was it that gave away the free album a couple of years ago?

Not too sure who you're thinking of there.

Radiohead's approach did spark a rash of similar "give it away for nowt" responses. Some of whom were clearly more desperate for the publicity than perhaps Radiohead. I'm thinking of The Charlatans, for example.

Regarding the "incrementally more expensive formats", and "ladies n genulmen, smashing the system": firstly, no one was compelled to purchase anything. It was free, if you didn't want to pay for it, and the CD and vinyl editions were not inextricably linked to the download.

For a major, global act/brand who had severed their EMI contract, offering In Rainbows graits, was, at the least, innovative.
Really don't like it!. I find it a Lazy record. Radiohead going through the motions i am afraid which really disappoints me!

Just my opinion though! Bring back the cutting edge OK Computer any day of the week!

If you want OK Computer and all it's cutting edginess, why don't you just go and play that, and let the band get on with evolving and generally changing the face of modern guitar-orientated rock into something vaguely interesting.

Next, you'll be saying why can't they write something as good as Creep.

In case you hadn't noticed Radiohead aren't in the same league as Feeder, Snow Patrol or Coldplay, who seem to only replicate what made them successful. Coldplay were so desperate to appear experimental that they drafted in Brian Eno and pilfered a Kraftwerk melody to give them a scintilla of cred. Not sure it worked. Although, of course, it sold by the supermarket trolley load.
Charlie Jefferson:If you want OK Computer and all it's cutting edginess, why don't you just go and play that, and let the band get on with evolving and generally changing the face of modern guitar-orientated rock into something vaguely interesting.

Next, you'll be saying why can't they write something as good as Creep.

In case you hadn't noticed Radiohead aren't in the same league as Feeder, Snow Patrol or Coldplay, who seem to only replicate what made them successful. Coldplay were so desperate to appear experimental that they drafted in Brian Eno and pilfered a Kraftwerk melody to give them a scintilla of cred. Not sure it worked. Although, of course, it sold by the supermarket trolley load.

Ooooh, a bit defensive....

It's still pants and cut up bits of tracks picked out of a hat.

Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!

Good point,who was it that gave away the free album a couple of years ago?


Yep, hardly a revolutionary concept and they are certainly recouping any losses now !!! But their marketing strategy should not be confused with the product itself and I for one, am a fan. Some would claim to be 'better informed' than me of course, but that's hardly the issue if someone dislikes Radiohead's music...

I would agree even as a fan I know they aren't for everyone, and even my wife can't stand them and it's not down to being more or less informed than me !!!
Red Dragon:al7478:hifidave:al7478:

Charlie Jefferson:hifidave:thats why it was free
It wasn't. In Rainbows was, if you chose to accept the "charity box" option, and donate nothing to the Radiohead cause.

Indeed, it was a great headline grabber. Then came the incrementally more expensive releases in several formats. Radiohead, ladies n genulmen, smashing the system!

Good point,who was it that gave away the free album a couple of years ago?


Yep, hardly a revolutionary concept and they are certainly recouping any losses now !!! But their marketing strategy should not be confused with the product itself and I for one, am a fan. Some would claim to be 'better informed' than me of course, but that's hardly the issue if someone dislikes Radiohead's music...

I would agree even as a fan I know they aren't for everyone, and even my wife can't stand them and it's not down to being more or less informed than me !!!

A total dullard or genius could like or dislike Radiohead - it's irrelevant.

If you read my post carefully you will have noticed that when I deployed the phrase "better informed" into my argument, it was in relation to simply dismissing the new album by referring to it's shortcomings when compared to Talk Talk's last two albums.

I was simply appealing for a more developed critique, not a one-dimensional, off-the-peg dismissal.
"Gimme the tune. Do I like this tune? Does it sound like another tune that I like? The more familiar it is, the better I like it. Hear those three notes there? Those are the three notes I can sing along with. I like those notes very, very much. Give me a beat. Not a fancy one. Give me a GOOD BEAT - something I can dance to. It has to go boom-bap, boom-boom-BAP. If it doesn't, I will hate it very, very much. Also, I want it right away - and then, write me some more songs like that - over and over and over again, because I'm really into music."
Frank Zappa - The Real Frank Zappa Book

The more I read this thread, the more this book is nagging at me.
mmmmmm, very defensive instead!

I was only stating my opinion which i am sticking by. Its a very lazy Radiohead album. I am sorry but evolving & changing the face of music? Please i don't think so!
Simon Lucas:
"Gimme the tune. Do I like this tune? Does it sound like another tune that I like? The more familiar it is, the better I like it. Hear those three notes there? Those are the three notes I can sing along with. I like those notes very, very much. Give me a beat. Not a fancy one. Give me a GOOD BEAT - something I can dance to. It has to go boom-bap, boom-boom-BAP. If it doesn't, I will hate it very, very much. Also, I want it right away - and then, write me some more songs like that - over and over and over again, because I'm really into music."
Frank Zappa - The Real Frank Zappa Book

The more I read this thread, the more this book is nagging at me.

Most apposite, Simon.

How dare you be so well-read. Someone will be having a fit.

Back to Codex's pedestrian three chords and the truth schtick or am I getting confused with another band?
Charlie Jefferson:Simon Lucas:
"Gimme the tune. Do I like this tune? Does it sound like another tune that I like? The more familiar it is, the better I like it. Hear those three notes there? Those are the three notes I can sing along with. I like those notes very, very much. Give me a beat. Not a fancy one. Give me a GOOD BEAT - something I can dance to. It has to go boom-bap, boom-boom-BAP. If it doesn't, I will hate it very, very much. Also, I want it right away - and then, write me some more songs like that - over and over and over again, because I'm really into music."
Frank Zappa - The Real Frank Zappa Book

The more I read this thread, the more this book is nagging at me.

Most apposite, Simon.

How dare you be so well-read. Someone will be having a fit.

Back to Codex's pedestrian three chords and the truth schtick or am I getting confused with another band?

Bad form to reply to myself, perhaps, but I should just add that the other tunes occupying the airwaves here in sunny Yorkshire are the recent batch by The Vaccines. A pretty, rudimentary contrast to the 'head. Both bands are great in their own sweet ways.

And shouldn't the salient point in this thread be that there has to both types of band making music, but because there are far fewer of the Radiohead variety we should celebrate their very existence. And all the better that they've previously been championed as wielders of guitars and purveyors of semi-anthemic, lighter-waving tunes.
just listened to it again and my mind hasn't changed.

i think it's a poor effort, only codex has a little magic about it, lovely melodic tune.

the rest don't grab me at all, self indulgent, lazy mish mash of sounds with few clear vocals, i can't be bothered to even look up the lyrics.

if this was their first album they wouldn't get very far, they have rested on their laurels here in my view,,
and "one man's meat is another's poison", but when you referred to Talk Talk I had to credit your critique with a tad more insight than the previous correspondent and offer a more nuanced response.

Sorry my post didn't warrant a more nuanced response. I was merely making an observation that amongst all the unbridled joy now that the album had arrived and the "ooh its so great" statements, I personally just did not like it. Anyhow I have had another listen and I have changed my mind from it "being painful to listen to in parts" as per my original post.

I now think it is the most self indulgent and pretentious album I have ever listened to. Just my opinion.


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