Tonestar1:Also if you highlight the album, which is far easier, you can type in the artist and album name manually so it appears next to the rest of your radiohead stuff.
Right then, instead of opening the album on the desktop with iTunes - which delivers 8 separate 'unknown artist/album' tracks into iTunes - I added the album via iTunes -> File -> Add to Library -> selected KoL's tracks -> clicked Choose -
voila, now have one 'unknown' 8-track album in iTunes. Then highlighted album tracks and went to 'get info/artwork' - no need to go via Advanced, on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.6), an options bar appears if I 'two-finger'/right-click the track pad - and once again a window appears stating, 'iTunes cannot get CD track names that were not imported using iTunes...', irrespective of ALAC or WAV format.
So, I highlighted the tracks, dragged/dropped the cover's PDF. Sorted. Then, as you suggested above, I simply highlighted each track and typed-in artist/album name - dur, didn't realise that was possible.
Ta for advice.
And KoL just gets better with each listen - particularly liking
Feral (yoiks - house-shaking bass!) and
(Still not hearing any difference 'tween ALAC and WAV...)