6th.replicant:Well spotted.
Enjoying the music, but the DL's not exactly iTunes-friendly - no artwork, album title or band name appears. I tried select-all and dropping the jpeg into the window, but it only adds the artwork to the first track.
I assume there's not difference 'tween ALAC and WAV's sound quality?
Not sure it's itunes, just dont think WAV supports art tags.
Highlight the tracks, go to advanced tab, create apple lossless version, add artwork to that. No loss in sound quality.
On listen three, enjoying giveuptheghost and separator lots.
Tried as you suggested, no artwork appears and when I select 'Get Track Names' a window appears announcing: 'iTunes cannot get CD track names that were not imported using iTunes ...import songs again using iTunes'. Did that, and I just get the same box window.
FWIW, to my ears the WAV and ALAC versions sound identical.
Rght you have the tracks in WAV on itunes, highlight these tracks in itunes, go to advanced tab, create apple lossless version.
You will see now see two sets of tracks, a set of WAV ones and a set of ALAC ones. Move the WAV ones out of itunes so you are only left with the ALAC ones. Now highlight the tracks or album, go to get info, paste the artwork into the artwork section. Worked fine for me. You should already have the track names. I'm using a mac btw, not sure if PC is slightly different. If so wait till a PC/itunes guy picks up on this thread.