new interconnect.... Brilliance synergy or chord ones?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking for a new interconnect for my bedroom system, and am looking at either chord ones or brilliance synergy.

I have leema xero speakers, creek evo amp and rega apollo cd player. The current cable I have is ble I have is atlas equator, but that is going to be use dwith my denon tuner, so am after another one that has a bit of depth to the bass.

I know the chord plus one is £125 for 1m, but is it worth the extra over the brilliance synergy which can be bought for £70?

If there are anyother, please let me know. Also, don't mind second hand.

Oh yeh, my speaker cable is chord odyssey 2, so that might effect my decission.

if you check the chord website, you can have a free trial at home with any of their products ... also remember seeing a section that recommended what chord interconnect to use in combination with the chord speaker cables ... they also sell used items
You really can't go wrong with the Chameleon Silver Plus. I've compared it to a lot of cables and always go back to it. The bass is excellent but cables higher up in the ranks might give a slightly more defined bass. It's still very good though.
The Chameleon is a bassy cable no doubt. Whilst I thought it was good, I prefer a little less bass in my system because my speakers are bassy, as is my CDP, and the speakers are quite close to rear walls. So I swapped the Chameleon for a Heimdall which is better in my set-up. I still think the Chameleon would be a great cable in a bass-light system though.
I will see if I can pick one up cheap on flea bay... What price would a second hand one go for?

Is the chord far superior to the brilliance synergy cable, as both are meant to be good in the bass?


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