New install...... inspired me to start up a business !


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

This is my first post, I have recently completed my home cinema.

This took me 14 months from start to finish ( Weekends & Holidays ) This system has inspired me to start up a family run business installing Home Cinema and Hi-Fi.

For me this is more of a hobby that has progressed, I'm not looking to make a miilion !!!

I have worked with AV since i can remember and currently work in the Audio Visual Hire industry as a Project Manager.

Feel free to peruse my efforts on the following link ;

If you have " Space " add me as friend and help me network, allowing others to exprience the surround sound

Cheers all, I will be back its a good forum ( Came reccommend by Clare Newsome )

Luke & Kelly

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Not bad at all, but I'd be a bit worried about early reflections from the surface of that sideboard you've got the speakers standing on.

Good luck with the business...

Oh, and I want some of whatever Cassia's on!


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