Casca:That's excellent news, Clare! Can't wait.
Yes, top end's all well and good but the real battlefield is in the sub £500 market where the 605/606 has had a clear run for too long. That's not Onk's fault - they saw a hole in the market, have exploited it cleverly, making sure that the Press had all the co-operation they needed. The resultant reviews, ratings and articles were their marketing. They're patently no fools, although I do wish their design team would produce something remotely attractive.....
It's their competition who need a slap on the wrists. They screwed up, big time. Too high prices. Too few HDMIs. No 1080p upscaling. NO HD audio. Inferior UK specs. Arrogance and stupidity.
So, I'm very interested to hear about the Sony. Especially the STR-DA2400ES, which exists on Play at an attractive £399, but not on the Sony site! Indeed, the only amp on the site that decodes HD formats is their top end unit. Hmmmmm..... There's confusion about features and price-points in general, so it'll be great to get all that cleared up!
The big problem with the Sony stuff is the model number/spec differences between US, European and UK models. We'll get the answers this afternoon, and post a clarifying story. Oh, and we tried to buy the model on, but when you go through the process it's out of stock....