New guy looking for advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hey friends,

I just joined the forum because I am in the process of maing some upgrades to my system and I would really value some expert input. I just bought a Technics sl-1200 from a guy who got it in 1976 (he even had the original receipt with the date on it). My dad just sent me his old Kef Model One speakers. I came from Sony turntable and a pair of Paradigm speakers that I got for my 16th birthday about 13 years ago. Apparently these Kef speakers need an amp that can supply some power. I was looking at a Marantz PM5004 integrated amp, but after reading about the Kef speakers I was thinking that I might need something with more power. I was looking into a pre amp/amp setup but that starts to get a little intimidating when you aren't exactly sure what you are looking for. Looking to spend about 500-100 on the amp. Any information any of you can provide would be beneficial. I love learning from you strong opinioned people, so let me have it. Not sure if this is the thread to elicit advice, so let me know if I should be posting elsewhere.

Thanks a lot.. Looking forward to learning a lot while I am here.

I assume by the "500-100" you meant 500-1000? If so, were you thinking of new or second hand? because you should be able to pick up a nice pre-power combo for that on ebay. I happen to think marantz goes rather well with the new Kefs, not sure about yours specifically though. Kef's reputation of being a little more forward in the top end than most might be something to consider though.

In terms of power, I wouldn't concern yourself too much with numbers, unless you have a particularly large room. A decent class A amp at 40 watts would be much nicer than the 500 watt class D rubbish you find in those manufacturers that just try to wow you with numbers.
Yeah sorry about that... $500-$1000. I'll definitely check out ebay for a pre/power combo. Do you have any particular models that you are in love with at that price? Or at least something to get me started that fits in with the forward top end of the Kef speakers.

My room is pretty small (one bedroom basement). I was reading several reviews and one said something about "a muscle amp like an old Krell" would be good for the job?

Thanks again for the input.
I doubt if you'll get a Krell for that sort of money. It would be overkill in a one-bedroom basement, unless the Krell is in the basement and you are listening on the top floor.

What part of the World are you in? Are you looking for mew or second-hand?
Hi Grant,

You should really demo the Roksan Kandy K2 amp. It's expensive (around £750) but the sound is incredible. You should'nt need a pre amp with this beauty.

The Cafe
Yeah... I started looking at Krell equipment on eBay and saw that it get's up there in price. I am living in Washington, D.C. at the moment. I have no problem getting something used. I feel like for the best value I should probably look to used equipement first. What kind of suggestions do you have? Let me know if there is any more information that I can provide that would be helpful.
The Roksan Kandy K2 amp looks awesome... can I get these in the US? I found a guy on ebay but he said he wasn't allowed to ship here. Also... I found a NAD Power Amp Model 2100 and an NAD Pre Amp Model 1600 that I might be able to get for next to nothing (family deal)... what are your thoughts on that combo?



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