I'm now more confused than ever... I only want a good sound for money.
I know is impossible to compare between the MP3 and the CD sound, the CD is far superior, with time I will get more CDs.But I've a increasing iTunes collection and a few Music CDs.
Right now, beside the IPOD Classic and the Xbox360, I only have a DVD player (Samsung 1080) to play music with my CA 540A and the MA BR2.
I want to improve my system sound quality but I've a limited budget - 200£
I think I've 3 options:
1 - buy a entry level CD Player (CA 340C/540C, Marantz 5001/3);
2 - buy a entry level BlueRay Player;
3 - buy the CA DacMagic and connect the DVD player and the Xbox or Ipod.
Option 1:
+ A CD player is a great buy;
- But I've a very little CD Collection.
Option 2:
- I can't see advantages;
Option 3:
+ The DacMagic could improve my MP3 collection, Xbox streamed audio and the CDs played in the DVD.
- But I don't want a gadget that cannot deliver real HIFI.
Where I will spend my money wisely?