New AV set up: Oppo BDP-103 + Naim Nait 5i-2 + Naim NAPV175

Juzzie Wuzzie

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
So this weekend I dismantled the set-up as per my signature, and installed the above to perform both music and AV duties. It soon turned into a lesson of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it".

First up, using the Oppo as the processor required the Nait 5i-2 to be in AV/Unity Gain mode. The by-product of this was constant noise through the L+R front speakers, making the set-up impossible. I'm wondering whether either different interconnects, rerouting the power cables, or switiching to a more modern two channel (on of the Unitis) would solve this issue. But for now, it was unworkable, so I moved onto option 2.

Option 2 involved discarding the Nait 5i-2 and using the NAPV175 for the front sound stage, and abandoning any rear speakers. At least there was no constant noise, and the sound quality was improved (although will need to wait for Sky to reprogramme my box to send DD over HDMI, as discovered the Oppo doesn't have optical in. Problem now is on power up (using my Harmony remote) is getting the Oppo to select the rear HDMI in when watching Sky - at the moment it doesn't do it. Something I hope to fix during the week.

i'm going to give option 2 a go for a few weeks before deciding whether or not to revert to my original set-up.

In some ways, I wished I'd purchased the Oppo BDP-105, rather than the 103 in order to get the digital in, but the necessity for that will disappear within the next two months. Whether I can successfully integrate the Nait 5i-2 (or its replacement) is the short term project.

WIll post some photos at some point.
the noise could be a ground loop issue from the sky aerial cable. Does it go away if you remove the aerial ?

I have a slightly different set up with a AV amp for Center and Rear L&R and the pre outs sent into a Cyrus Pre / Power for the front L&R and I get a terrible buzzing when Sky is selected on the AV and the aerial is plugged in. A ground loop isolator has arrived in the post today which should in t fix it so will let you know when I get home.


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