New amp Roksan K3?

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Two main hifi shops nearby are Audio T and Richer sounds. Based on this I have come up with the following list, main criteria being between £800-£1500 and with a phono stage

Richer sounds

Arcam A29 £850

Arcam A39 £1249

Audiolab 3000A £899

Cyrus One £699 (under budget)

Roksan K3 £1250

Wildcard: Roksan Caspian M2 £2000, though it is over budget and has no phono stage.

Audio T

Rega Elex R £898

Rega Elicit R £1598 (slightly over budget)

Marantz PM8005 £899

Wildcard: Naim Nait 5Si £1029, though has no phono stage

Will look and book demos in for September/October time.

Not sure if anyone can provide advice on this. Have noticed that the K3 is 140w per channel. Current speakers are only 120w. My intial opinion is this could cause issues as the amp could blow the speakers at louder volumes. Is this a serious danger, and if so will I need to replace the speakers sooner if I decide this is the amp for me?
You are in control of the power the amp feeds the speakers with the volume knob.
Unless you drive the amp to full power you'll be fine.

Underpowering speakers can cause more trouble (amplifier clipping).
140W amp into your speaker will only be a risk if you crank up the volume to close to max. Then, I'd be more worried about your hearing than the speakers.

Why not go second hand and save yourself a lot of money? Many enthusiasts will demo and often agree for you to bring your own speakers.
Ideally you want the amp to be more powerfull than the speaker declared power rating. Underpowered amps that go into clipping kill speakers 99.99% of the time.
The k3 at richer sounds
Its sounded very good and think you would be happy but also consider nord amps..
For similar price you could imo get a top amp and then run any speaker you like moving forward.
Andrewjvt said:
The k3 at richer sounds Its sounded very good and think you would be happy but also consider nord amps.. For similar price you could imo get a top amp and then run any speaker you like moving forward.

Do Nord amps have an internal phono stage now??
Al ears said:
Andrewjvt said:
The k3 at richer sounds Its sounded very good and think you would be happy but also consider nord amps.. For similar price you could imo get a top amp and then run any speaker you like moving forward.

Do Nord amps have an internal phono stage now??
Missed that part but for the sake of quality why not an external?
emcc_3 said:
Two main hifi shops nearby are Audio T and Richer sounds. Based on this I have come up with the following list, main criteria being between £800-£1500 and with a phono stage

Richer sounds

Arcam A29 £850

Arcam A39 £1249

Audiolab 3000A £899

Cyrus One £699 (under budget)

Roksan K3 £1250

Wildcard: Roksan Caspian M2 £2000, though it is over budget and has no phono stage.

Audio T

Rega Elex R £898

Rega Elicit R £1598 (slightly over budget)

Marantz PM8005 £899

Wildcard: Naim Nait 5Si £1029, though has no phono stage

Will look and book demos in for September/October time.

Not sure if anyone can provide advice on this. Have noticed that the K3 is 140w per channel. Current speakers are only 120w. My intial opinion is this could cause issues as the amp could blow the speakers at louder volumes. Is this a serious danger, and if so will I need to replace the speakers sooner if I decide this is the amp for me?

id still go at it from the perspective of speakers first if I were you, then come back to this stuff as you could regret it if they don't match. Current amplification would be acceptable to hear the changes of better speakers and it sounds like you want sound quality with these brands. Also if you are trying these amps on your speakers you won't also really know what they can fully do, on the basis they would be better suited to better speakers than you currently have.
Andrewjvt said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
If you are looking at spending around £1k on an amp and you say the current weak point is the amp but you own speakers at around half that, it seems to me the weak point is the speakers. Assuming sound quality is the most important consideration aside the phono issue.

Buying a good amplifier to a situation where you will then change speakers, is about the worst thing you can do. The reason is because you will then be trying to match the amp to the different speakers which may not work. The best thing to do is buy the speakers first and see what they sound best with in dealers to get an idea for amps, also how they will perform with best possible amps to reach the speakers full potential. Then even if your current amp is not up to standard, you will know where future upgrades take you. You may find you really like x brand of speaker after your amp purchase, but then realise the new amp doesn't suit it.

Yes the more money its costs the better it sounds great advice. Forget about room acoustics. Please explain to us all again how much money your amps cost and how much better the speakers sound with each boring upgrade. When are you going to start practicing what you originally preached about 'its all about the music' and equipment bores you?

you sound really arrogant and bit of an idiot. As the poster revealed, I'm doing it to try and help someone. Unlike your post mate, I'd suggest doing something else if I were you if you just post this diatribe.
emcc_3 said:
Two main hifi shops nearby are Audio T and Richer sounds. Based on this I have come up with the following list, main criteria being between £800-£1500 and with a phono stage

Richer sounds

Arcam A29 £850

Arcam A39 £1249

Audiolab 3000A £899

Cyrus One £699 (under budget)

Roksan K3 £1250

Wildcard: Roksan Caspian M2 £2000, though it is over budget and has no phono stage.

Audio T

Rega Elex R £898

Rega Elicit R £1598 (slightly over budget)

Marantz PM8005 £899

Wildcard: Naim Nait 5Si £1029, though has no phono stage

Will look and book demos in for September/October time.

Not sure if anyone can provide advice on this. Have noticed that the K3 is 140w per channel. Current speakers are only 120w. My intial opinion is this could cause issues as the amp could blow the speakers at louder volumes. Is this a serious danger, and if so will I need to replace the speakers sooner if I decide this is the amp for me?

If you don't mind second hand equipment then this is the sort of amp that will last you a lifetime and drive any speaker you wish to connect to it without any fuss or effort.

It delivers 2 x 120 wpc and 80 amps of peak current delivery and is completely stable into all loads down to 0.5 of an OHM .

It does not have a buit in phono stage but a good external one can can be bought for a very reasonable price .

Spec and info.

It is the type of amp you buy and never actually need to upgrade unless you want to .*smile*
insider9 said:
Electro said:
It delivers 2 x 120 wpc and 80 amps of peak current delivery and is completely stable into all loads down to 0.5 of an OHM .
80 amps, 0.5 ohm *shok*

Yes it can be a bit of a shock *biggrin*

My AW180's deliver 100amps of peak current and have been measured at 1100 wpc into 0.5 of an OHM, the AW400 and Nemo ( AW600 ) deliver 150 amps of peak current, they are all are stable into 0.5 of an OHM.

Almost unlimited Transient power is the result of all this.
Electro said:
insider9 said:
Electro said:
It delivers 2 x 120 wpc and 80 amps of peak current delivery and is completely stable into all loads down to 0.5 of an OHM .
80 amps, 0.5 ohm *shok*

Yes it can be a bit of a shock *biggrin*

My AW180's deliver 100amps of peak current and have been measured at 1100 wpc into 0.5 of an OHM, the AW400 and Nemo ( AW600 ) deliver 150 amps of peak current, they are all are stable into 0.5 of an OHM.

Almost unlimited Transient power is the result of all this.
Wow, what a magnificent piece of engineering. Do you call it my precious? And could it only be destroyed in the depths of Mount Doom?

One to rule them all 😉

What do you think as a ECI-2 as a starter for someone who never heard solid state class A neither any Electrocompaniet amp?
insider9 said:
Electro said:
insider9 said:
Electro said:
It delivers 2 x 120 wpc and 80 amps of peak current delivery and is completely stable into all loads down to 0.5 of an OHM .
80 amps, 0.5 ohm *shok*

Yes it can be a bit of a shock *biggrin*

My AW180's deliver 100amps of peak current and have been measured at 1100 wpc into 0.5 of an OHM, the AW400 and Nemo ( AW600 ) deliver 150 amps of peak current, they are all are stable into 0.5 of an OHM.

Almost unlimited Transient power is the result of all this.
Wow, what a magnificent piece of engineering. Do you call it my precious? And could it only be destroyed in the depths of Mount Doom?

One to rule them all 😉

What do you think as a ECI-2 as a starter for someone who never heard solid state class A neither any Electrocompaniet amp?

The AW180 Mono's are once heard never forgotten !

If the speakers fails to comply and deliver what is asked of them they are instantly vaporised , any speaker connected to them always gives it's best because they know what will happen if they don't . *diablo*

The old ECI-2 is still a superb integrated, it was only made from 1995 to 1999 before the more powerful EC1-3 was released .

They are silky smooth with plenty of detail but a little soft for some tastes, they sound more class A than many fully class A amps but have plenty of reserve headroom unlike most fully class A amps.

It's not as powerful or accurate as later models but still sounds glorious, it is also not a balanced amplifier unlike later models so RCA connections only, no remote either .

There is one for sale onebay at the moment *smile* .😱fUAAOSwXwBZmA5m

Some more info .
Yes, seen that one 🙂

Considering 50W in class A it's a good price as long as it's been maintained well. Even if it's 20 years old.

I've recently had a chance to hear EAR Yoshino valve amp and a valve cd player in my listening room and can't shake off the feeling I need go get some class A goodness. It's going against my diy active project but who cares, all good fun 🙂
Went to richer sounds today and after a good demo came away with the K3. It was head and shoulders above the audiolab and Arcams. Being delivered on Thursday next week. Also got 20m of chord clearway for 60 quid.
emcc_3 said:
Two main hifi shops nearby are Audio T and Richer sounds. Based on this I have come up with the following list, main criteria being between £800-£1500 and with a phono stage

Richer sounds

Arcam A29 £850

Arcam A39 £1249

Audiolab 3000A £899

Cyrus One £699 (under budget)

Roksan K3 £1250

Wildcard: Roksan Caspian M2 £2000, though it is over budget and has no phono stage.

Audio T

Rega Elex R £898

Rega Elicit R £1598 (slightly over budget)

Marantz PM8005 £899

Wildcard: Naim Nait 5Si £1029, though has no phono stage

Will look and book demos in for September/October time.

Not sure if anyone can provide advice on this. Have noticed that the K3 is 140w per channel. Current speakers are only 120w. My intial opinion is this could cause issues as the amp could blow the speakers at louder volumes. Is this a serious danger, and if so will I need to replace the speakers sooner if I decide this is the amp for me?
I see you have just brought the K3 but if you found you did not like the K3 for any reason when you have had chance to play around with it the Marantz PM8005 you can buy around the £499-599 brand new but not meany people have them left in stock but will take the K3 a run for its money any day .
I have heard the Marantz ( compared to K2 at the time) - it was very close but I preferred the Marantz. It was with an Audiolab amp and Kef LS50 speakers.

It was a great sounding set up. The K3 seems to have a lot going for it tho - enjoy your music.

cheers tonky
emcc_3 said:
Went to richer sounds today and after a good demo came away with the K3. It was head and shoulders above the audiolab and Arcams. Being delivered on Thursday next week. Also got 20m of chord clearway for 60 quid.

Must admit that thanks to you and Vladimir and this very thread I've change my mind completely about Roksan.

I really loved my Roksan speakers but didn't get K3 during demo. My opinion on their gear was somewhere in the middle. So after reading quite a lot on this thread I decided to buy myself a Roksan amp just to make sure I know where I stand. Got a KA-1 Mk3 second hand and at first listen didn't get the sound again 🙁

But then after another listen I stated realising what their sound is all about and I really respect and like a lot of what they do.

Having owned BX5 I can hazard a guess that you're in for a treat. Roksan thump will get the otherwise slightly restrained speakers going. You'd probably need two Marantz amps to come close to Roksan, just saying 🙂

Enjoy and do let us know.
Congratulations, it's a brilliant all round amp. I was thinking just yesterday that I think this amp gets better over time. It certainly doesn't get worse. I've had mine two years and it seems to be possibly getting funkier. It's prob an illusion of some sort tho. You may also notice that after three hours or so of continuous usage it seems to really come on song with superb clarity. Again, this may an illusion, or the speakers warming up. (Or the cables 🙂 ). I am curious now to see how a marantz sounds as not heard the 8005, but I would be very surprised if it sounded as good, having heard cheaper marantz amps. I compared the K3 to the abrahamsen v2up and it was a in the same sort of ball park. As Vlad states, it has very a low distortion and noise levels, which I think makes it sound so clean. Enjoy.


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