Network Player - Linn DS vs Primare NP30/Pre32


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Hi everyone,

I wanted people's view of Primare NP30 or PRE32 vs Linn offerings. Indeed, what about NP30 vs PRE32 for network play?

I have already auditioned both Linn Majik DSM & Akurate DS.

1. I love the Majik DSM (powering speakers). It had clarity, seperation and excitement when listening to music,

2. Both Majik DSM and Linn Akurate DS running into a Linn pre and power amp was lifeless (although controlled).

3. Linn Akurate DS into Supernait was better but didnt match Majik DSM

4. Finally, the Majik DSM and Akurate DS into a Mcintosh MA7900 was outstanding. Like Majik DSM but with more power.

This leads me to believe that the Akurate amps are not for me. however matched with a decent amp then the Akurate DS may be an option. I will avoid Akurate DSM (since then i would have the Pre Amp which i clearly am not keen on)

Music is rock, prog rock, acoustic, etc.
Crystalarts said:
I wanted people's view of Primare NP30 or PRE32 vs Linn offerings. Indeed, what about NP30 vs PRE32 for network play?


Could you provide a bit of context? (Sorry, don't want to sound like the Spanish Inquisition, but still ...)

Are you building the network player/amp side of your system from scratch, or do you already have some components that you want to keep in the system?

What are your speakers?

Which functions of a network player are important to you?

Have you considered spending less on the network player?

IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player. There are some excellent boxes from e.g. Cambridge Audio, Pioneer etc that have bags of functions and are reasonably priced. Assuming you want a network player, my top choice would would be one of the above feeding a Devialet 120.
matt49 said:
Crystalarts said:
I wanted people's view of Primare NP30 or PRE32 vs Linn offerings. Indeed, what about NP30 vs PRE32 for network play?


Could you provide a bit of context? (Sorry, don't want to sound like the Spanish Inquisition, but still ...)

Are you building the network player/amp side of your system from scratch, or do you already have some components that you want to keep in the system?

What are your speakers?

Which functions of a network player are important to you?

Have you considered spending less on the network player?

IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player. There are some excellent boxes from e.g. Cambridge Audio, Pioneer etc that have bags of functions and are reasonably priced. Assuming you want a network player, my top choice would would be one of the above feeding a Devialet 120.

Ok, sorry, was not very clear.

1. I have currently a Denon 1510 Amp which i am reasonably happy with (Integrated 1k pounds new a few years ago) but will be looking to upgrade in the future (McIntosh MA7900.... ooft.. would love that) depending on how other amps perform (Primare for example) but its not a priority.

2. I have Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor speakers (which i will not be changing unless i get a home cinema / hifi room in which case the sonus will stay in living room and bigger speakers will be needed for cinema/hifi room)

3. I used to be a CD guy but Network streaming is the way to go. thats all i really need. a network player (but if it has a great Pre Amp then i would consider that and i could find a nice power amp in the future whilst my denon could act as power amp at the moment) although i have no real need for inputs. i wont use CD player. I will use a Universal player into my AV receiver as the only discs i will play are surround sound BD or DVD/SACD 5.1 albums

4. so now i have no streaming option. i have LP12 (with Linn Lingo power source which would look good next to a Linn DS) feeding into the denon. I plan on getting a primare r32 phono stage though. and that led me on to considering Primare NP30 or PRE32 due to the consistency of boxes and style. so both Linn and Primare would offer consistency in some parts of my system but obviously sound is priority and i dont like the Linn sound after the source.. (Amps and speakers)
matt49 said:
IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player.

this is interesting! this is something i was keen to find out. how much difference there ACTUALLY is between streamers/network players and how much is the pre amp/amp making a difference if they have one built inside.
Crystalarts said:
matt49 said:
IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player.

this is interesting! this is something i was keen to find out. how much difference there ACTUALLY is between streamers/network players and how much is the pre amp/amp making a difference if they have one built inside.

A lot of the difference would depend on if the streamer has analogue outs so they have to factor in the dac and output side of things.

If it's just a device that takes files either locally or from a cloud/network storage, and then passes it on to dac, a 25 quid raspberry pi will do the same job as something costing 10 times as much. (not accounting for aesthetics etc).
cheeseboy said:
Crystalarts said:
matt49 said:
IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player.

this is interesting! this is something i was keen to find out. how much difference there ACTUALLY is between streamers/network players and how much is the pre amp/amp making a difference if they have one built inside.

A lot of the difference would depend on if the streamer has analogue outs so they have to factor in the dac and output side of things.

If it's just a device that takes files either locally or from a cloud/network storage, and then passes it on to dac, a 25 quid raspberry pi will do the same job as something costing 100 times as much. (not accounting for aesthetics etc).
cheeseboy said:
Crystalarts said:
matt49 said:
IME the differences between digital sources (if they exist at all) are very small. I'd be reluctant to spend much on a network player.

this is interesting! this is something i was keen to find out. how much difference there ACTUALLY is between streamers/network players and how much is the pre amp/amp making a difference if they have one built inside.

A lot of the difference would depend on if the streamer has analogue outs so they have to factor in the dac and output side of things.

If it's just a device that takes files either locally or from a cloud/network storage, and then passes it on to dac, a 25 quid raspberry pi will do the same job as something costing 10 times as much. (not accounting for aesthetics etc).

Ah true, yes i would be considering the DAC etc. to be a part of it with Analogue outs such as Linn DS and Primare's. Although i think the examples provided by Matt49 all include the DAC etc.
if you liked Supernait 2 or McIntosh, why not pick one of those? 🙂 Also you could try Naim NDX + SN2. Or give Hegel H160 a whirl, seems to be geting very satisfied customers, and, if I'm not mistaken, is streamer + dac + amp. Ofc stuff like Primare should be on your list as well.

Since you seem to like valves, check out the awesome sounding Jadis Orchestra if you can. Or Class A stuff like Accuphase.
rainsoothe said:
if you liked Supernait 2 or McIntosh, why not pick one of those? 🙂 Also you could try Naim NDX + SN2. Or give Hegel H160 a whirl, seems to be geting very satisfied customers, and, if I'm not mistaken, is streamer + dac + amp. Ofc stuff like Primare should be on your list as well.

Since you seem to like valves, check out the awesome sounding Jadis Orchestra if you can. Or Class A stuff like Accuphase.

Sorry, no i didnt mention. I listened to Naim options but found everything seemed very boxed in. complete opposite of an all Linn system which is very bright i found the Naim (with the sonus fabers) to be quite muffled. However when i mixed the Linn Akurate DS with the Naim it at least improved on the Linn Akurate DS + Linn Amps but still didnt match the excitement of the Majik DSM.

The Mcintosh is 8k pounds 🙂 not ready to spend that on top of a network streamer etc.

The Hegel i would LOVE to listen to (Being Norwegian) but have no access to one. in fact all i have access to is the Naim, Linn, McIntosh and Primare. I will be testing primare next month but wanted peoples opinions.

Not sure i DO like valve sound. the Mcintosh was not valve. i listened to the Mcintosh valves after and whilst nice wasnt as exciting as the 7900.... I know.. i am an idiot for listening to Mcintosh when i am not willing to splash the cash. but i DID want to hear it in case i can pick some up in the future used.
Oh, my bad - I was under the impression McIntosh were all about valves. Well, maybe you can find some Hegel online dealer that offers moneyback guarantee after a trial period. And same for Jadis - from what I gather, you'd like something to tame the Linn's forwardness/brightness, and valves seem to be quite the answer for it, giving a warm but spacious sound. So if you can find some Jadis dealer, that could be awesome.

Also, is a trip to a dealer that offers at least Hegel out of the question? I mean it might be worth it in the long run - if you have the time and willingness for this sort of adventure 🙂
rainsoothe said:
Oh, my bad - I was under the impression McIntosh were all about valves. Well, maybe you can find some Hegel online dealer that offers moneyback guarantee after a trial period. And same for Jadis - from what I gather, you'd like something to tame the Linn's forwardness/brightness, and valves seem to be quite the answer for it, giving a warm but spacious sound. So if you can find some Jadis dealer, that could be awesome.

Also, is a trip to a dealer that offers at least Hegel out of the question? I mean it might be worth it in the long run - if you have the time and willingness for this sort of adventure 🙂

Unfortunately not. Hegel would mean a trip to another country (in the middle east).

the main question here though is... Linn vs Primare... is there a difference in sound of the network players? hoping someone has experience of the two.
There are some interesting similarities between our preferences ie.

- The Majik DSM is a great bit of kit when paired with the right speakers.

- The more expensive Linn amps can be bettered for our sound a bit uninvolving.

- Linn is comfortably better than Naim (which I found to sound boxy and too in yer face).

So what to do?

- I think you will need to spend a fair bit, to comfortably better the MDSM.

- You need to decide whether to get the MDS and spend more on an amp, or get the ADS and spend less on the amp.

- I can't help you with Primare vs Linn, but it's usually better to stick with what you've found to be outstanding....imo. Linn are out in front when it comes to their streamers.

- SF work well with Class A and Valves, so maybe worth hearing some McIntosh Valves.

- Can you get to hear Electrocompaniet (and possibly Sugden Masterclass and Arcam A49 - if available).

- Is Devialet in your price range?

- Make DS + McIntosh with the SFs your benchmark (provided you don't need all the other connections of the MDSM)
Devialet is probably out of my price range and to be honest i am looking for something powerful enough that it can run any speaker for futureproofing (home theatre/hifi room)

I have opportunity to take my amp to demo with the Linn DS' again as well as the Primare's so i think i will spend a day doing that and see what i find out.


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