Need more bass weight - recommended amps?


the record spot

I'm thinking about changing my amp - I'm looking for something with a little more bass weight than my current amp delivers. Main system is currently Marantz PM6010-KI (amp) and SA7001-KI (CD), speakers are Mission 752 (floorstanders).

I love the mids and rolled off treble with this partnership, but the bass is a little on the lean side which I suspect is the source problem. I'm looking at changing my amp however instead of the CD player as I'm set on a long term upgrade path.

Unfortunately, the credit crunchie is currently chewing a hole in my ambitions, so I need a short-term fix! What amp will give me the clarity of the current Marantz amp, but also have the bottom end to wake up the 752s? I don't necessarily want a bass monster, nor does it need to be new (the budget is tight after all), so used or even vintage is right up there if it has the performance.

Budget - circa £200 max but ideally less. I'd prefer an integrated too.

So, over to you guys!


i would suggest the nad c352 but that's me, no sophistication in taste since i only really know well the sub 450.00 amp market

the record spot

Yep, me too - I'd like to step up to the next level (thinking Eastern Electric valve amp currently) but as the used one of those I've seen is clocking in at £750, I might struggle just now!

NAD C372 was my preferred sub-£500 option along with a possible nod to the Yamaha AS700 (£400+) so again, over the budget restriction.


Now I could be wrong on this but two things, i don't think the C372 was greeted with that much cheer over on these shores unlike the 370 and secondly I don't know whether second hand you can purchase it for under 200.00, of course I might be wrong on that second point.


You could always look into getting a used Quad 303 or 405 from ebay. These will set you back between £80 - £200 depending on your luck. Using your current amp as a pre, you'll have a nice class A sound with strong detail and midrange. The 405 is a little brighter and brisker than the 303.

Next you could apply some upgrades from a place like Netaudio. You could go whole hog and get the Mark 3 upgrade for £390 fully fitted and tested, or you could fit the MK2 boards yourself for considerably less money. This will give you quite a power amp with class A resolution and good dynamics.

A project that satisfies the tweaker's need to tweak and the credit crunch. Works for me


Are you sure it is the amp? I only ask because I did a search to see what the stated frequency range of your speaker was at @3db. I didn't find anything, but did find this from Hi-fi World: -

Mission 752 Freedom

"Dynamic, punchy, and musical yet refined like few at the price. Bass lacks a little depth."

If it is the speakers, and you lke the mid and treble, have you considered a subwoofer.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2008
What speaker cables and inter-connects are you using? Changing these can make a significant difference and may cost less than changing your amp. Are you sure that the bass that you are looking for is actually there on your recordings? I am amazed at the relative variences in bass levels on my CD collection.

the record spot

Thanks for the tips guys; I should've been clearer - had I had the budget, the NAD and Yamaha were due for trialling for sub-£500 kit. As it is, they're too pricey and my ideal is really something along the lines of the Eastern Electric I mentioned.

Cables; recently changed my i/c from Nordost Blue Heaven to Audioquest Copperhead. That was a good move, so no plans to change those. The speaker cable is excellent (Audioqueest Type IV) as it balances out my natural inclination to more forward sounding gear.

Quad option: no pre/power option with the Marantz as far as I know - is this a case of using the auxiliary input? I'm being thick as I've not looked at the back of the amp for ages except to give it a quick clean down from time to time.

The speakers have a more realistic bass than my previous 733i floorstanders, good though those are. The soundstage is also deeper and wider and there is more depth to what is there (witnessed in some classical recordings and some non-remastered discs). The 752 is good, it's maybe not Cerwin Vega-like but on the other hand, plugging in my old Alpha 5 showed me it has great depth (before you say it, the 5 lacked everything else that the Marantz amp does so well!).

That said, long term, I want to upgrade and improve on the sound, so there's always going to be experimentation; sometimes getting that extra percentage of sound out of the kit is difficult, but worth it in the long run.

It looks like my options are:-

1 - remove the 752s for now, reattach the 733i's and hang on to them for a while (with a view to selling the 752)

2 - Change the amp for a short term fix until we have the means to buy better

3 - Sell the CD player and buy a better quality but used player from the proceeds

4 - Save up!

Any other alternatives chaps....?!


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
I had the Mission 752F's and whilst I found the bass punchy I did not find it went very deep. I did find however that the bass on the 753F was a lot better.

However, with regards to the speakers you have now I did find the overall sound of the 752's a lot better than the 733i's so I would stick with them and not swap them over. As has been suggested, what about a sub?? You should certainly be able to pick up a decent one with your budget.

In light of all that if the sub would only be a short term fix as well then I would just save until I could get the gear I wanted. All the little short term fixes/costs are just detracting from your savings!


To the opening poster this the predecessor to the c372 which was rated much more highly

Could be worth keeping your eye on the price

the record spot

Thanks - it looks interesting; bit offputting that feedback rating though...!


Hmmm, no pre-out on that amp according to Marantz's Website. From what I've read, one or two modified Quad 303s is an upgrade point of no return. Apparently breathtaking.

Well, being in a similar position to you, I would save until you decide the economic climate smooths enough for the next big purchase.


igglebert:Hmmm, no pre-out on that amp according to Marantz's Website. From what I've read, one or two modified Quad 303s is an upgrade point of no return. Apparently breathtaking.

Well, being in a similar position to you, I would save until you decide the economic climate smooths enough for the next big purchase.

...if the economy was a religion, Maggie would be God...


New member
Aug 24, 2007
Sell the Marantz and trial a second hand pre/power combo. If you don;t like it, sell it on and you've lost nothing. You'll not go back.


Hi record spot,

I have the Marantz SA7001 paired with the PM7001KI, Nordost blue heaven interconnect.

The PM7001ki gives planty of depth. Been looking at new speakers, and asking many qustions on here...

I did have the MA BR2 which did give kick out some deep bass with the above combo.

I tested the Kef Iq50 and MA RS6 but eventually went for some Focal 816V. The focals were much better than the others, kefs just seemed to hurt my ears, MA RS6's were nice and deep, until I heard the Focal's. Just as much if not more bass, but much faster, really brought the music to life. But plenty of detail on acoustics also.

Very very happy. I'd try the PM7001ki as the bass was big even with the BR2's.

the record spot

...if the economy was a religion, Maggie would be God...

Not in this household she wouldn't. Bloody harridan.

the record spot

igglebert:Hmmm, no pre-out on that amp according to Marantz's Website. From what I've read, one or two modified Quad 303s is an upgrade point of no return. Apparently breathtaking.

Same here and there's 303's aplenty out there, but I've just found a little amp on a certain auction site that might float both my boat sonically and penchant for older kit.

There is a local dealer in Edinburgh who stocks a stack of great old kit (Retro Reproduction) - his online site comes nowhere NEAR what he stocks and his ads in Noel Keywood's title give more away as to what his current stock's like. I like the shop as it's an Aladdin's cave (kind of like Walrus Audio in London) and some of the gear is seriously mouth-watering.

Otherwise, yep, the next big purchase is currently being saved for...!


She was to be admired and to be worried by. This seems a popular combination, as the Russians just voted Stalin 3rd greatest Russian, so must be a winning combination.

I recently swapped a Marantz PM7200 for a Primare amp. I thought the PM7200 was awesome. It didn't quite all the detail of the Primare, but then it doesn't cost £1500 either. It took me 3 days of home listening to buy the Primare. This may be acquired cheaply, and was quite punchy. I haven't in my second sitting room and it does rumble.

I think they did a KI version, which I haven't heard, but bet was quite good. If you sold the Arcam or 733s then it might not be too much of an incremental cost. If you don't like it you could flip it down the bay.

the record spot

Yep, there was a 7200-KI - another good amp, though if memory serves me rightly, I think the chat around the time was the vanilla 7200 was the better bet as the KI version wasn't the step-up it had been in other Marantz kit around the time. It was still pretty damn good mind and I wouldn't be turning my nose up at either were one to appear just now!


Managed to get the pm7001ki for £275 from seven oaks so well within budget. Might be some around you can still try.

Mate with a cyrus kit called around and was suprised at the bass it was kicking out.

the record spot

utah:Managed to get the pm7001ki for £275 from seven oaks so well within budget. Might be some around you can still try.

That's interesting; I'll check around. Thanks.


Posted a message a few hours ago if you missed it rambling on about the pm7001ki.

The pm7001ki gives me all the bass I need, very varied tasde in music from Santogold., Chilli Peppers, any Global Underground, Led Zep, Gang Starr, NAS, the old favorite on this site in Massive Attack - gives massive bass, test with oyur own speakers obviously. Still loads of detail on Jack Jonhson, Radio, Buckley etc....

Just had a Nina Somone CD on, sounded awsome, and not a heavy bass CD. Really thought the amp gave out loads of bass, plenty enough for me, great detail, it was just as good before the floor stand focals, not as detailed or fast though.

Waiting for a few SACD's to arrive next week.Hope this helps.


http : // www .

Apologies if this breaks the house rules.

the record spot

Thanks for that - had a look but £375 is over budget. However, as it turns out, I've picked up a little something on a whim. Took a punt on an elderly but not apparently too infirm Technics amp from many moons ago.

The Technics SU-V6 came out yonks ago, but the little there is on the web is generally positive (found some stuff on a couple of forum archives), the build looks impressive and the price was very good - condition looks good if not spectacular, but after 25 or so years, I'm expecting "consistent with age" condition.

Anyway, here's a wee photo of said beastie:-


There's enough knobs on there to keep JD happy for ten minutes even. Looking forward to hearing it; the Technics gear of the 1970s and very early 80s was high aspirational stuff for folk I knew, so I'm interested to hear what this will sound like.