I was sent an interesting adaptor by my power company recently. It Looks much like any other 3 way block adaptor, just a bit bigger. What it does is monitor the middle of the 3 outlets, and when its not in use, it turns off the other two. The idea is you put your pc tower in the middle sockets, and 4way extensions in the other two. When the Pc goes to sleep, all its friends go to sleep too. Just like bagpuss. This would be usefull for hifi. switching off the amp would switch off everything else. Turning the amp on, would turn on everything else again. Probably into standby like, but the thoughts there. Im not so sure the switchgear is quite hifi, but you never know till you try. There available from argos iirc, I looked it up at the time.
I was quite surprised the power companys are telling me to stick so many things in an adaptor. Its certainly not the christmas message the government send. Its safe enough though, just as long as it dont end up looking like the christmas tree its self, with branchs coming out everywhere 🙂