Naim Nait 5i/Quad 11L


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
Prompted by my friends on here, I'm starting to think a bit more outside the box and I am seriously considering doing this in stages now and going for a Naim Nait 5i amp. This would mean using it with my Marantz CD63SE for a while and ideally with the Quad 11Ls for quite some time, so I would be interested in hearing how people think this might work out? My plan for the CD player would be to eventually buy a Rega Apollo. The other options I am considering are the XTZ A100 D3 and C100 amp/CD player, the Rega Apollo/Brio 3 combination (initially with the Quads but eventually with Rega RS1s), or the Audio Analogue Crescendo amp with the 11Ls and then, later on, the matching CD player. Any thoughts or other ideas gratefully received.
I predict that the Naim Nait 5i/Quad 11L will be too bright and forward for your music tastes.
Eventual system of

Nait 5i

Rega Apollo

Rega RS1's

Will sound so good, excellent synergy between the two brands IMO.

Would possibly suggest the speakers first, then amp, then CDP.
matthewpiano:The other option I forgot to mention was Arcam A18.

There is absolutely no common ground between the A18 and the Nait.

I can understand a Nait (or Rega or a Nait/Rega mixture) with RS1s but I can't understand where the A18 fits in.
You should look at a used Roksan Kandy. You seem opposed to buying used equipment, why?

Lots of used equipment is "like new". The only thing I would avoid used would be a CDP.
I bought the Quad 11's once for my 2nd system but didnt keep them long at all - went back to my Epos M5's which were much much better. I found the Quads bright at the top end and boomy at the bass and i just didnt like the balance.

The Nait 5i comes with good reviews but why not pair them with the Naim amplifier and some Rega speakers or 2nd hand Neat Motive 3's for c £400 are an excellent deal and good with Naim or Arcam.
I'm not ruling out something used, although I'd be slightly concerned about Roksan reliability without proper back-up. I've read a fair number of complaints about issues on the previous Kandy models.
The Naim 5i is a fine amplifier but as someone said won't go well with the 11Ls. The sound will be far too bright and a difficult listen. The Marantz CD player won't be a problem, by the way, and I'd argue it's at least as good as the Apollo if a touch fuller.

If you go the Naim route then I'd look at Totem speakers, the Neats, Spendor or Harbeth. Haven't heard Rega speakers for many years so can't comment.
Thanks Tarquinh - that is extremely helpful.

What other amps would you recommend looking at?

When I start to look all sorts of things show up. I've seen a used Audio Analogue Puccini and some used Opera Duetta speakers which look interesting. The Usher S520s look like they might be good little monitor speakers too.

Is the Italian AA stuff pretty reliable and easy to get fixed if it goes wrong?
I'm surprised that everybody thinks the 11L will be too bright. I have some Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s on the end of a Uniti and there are many similarities at both ends (I still contend that 11Ls are probably diamond 9.1 drivers in a better-veneered box...). I wouldn't call the combo bright, though YMMV obviously.
JohnDuncan:I'm surprised that everybody thinks the 11L will be too bright. I have some Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s on the end of a Uniti and there are many similarities at both ends (I still contend that 11Ls are probably diamond 9.1 drivers in a better-veneered box...). I wouldn't call the combo bright, though YMMV obviously.

Bit late now.

Matthew is getting Ushers and has already got as far as Italy for amps. What started on a line between Essex and Wiltshire has now gone global

I envisage a very long process getting to hear all the possible combinations that are racking up.
matthewpiano:Prompted by my friends on here, I'm starting to think a bit more outside the box and I am seriously considering doing this in stages now and going for a Naim Nait 5i amp. This would mean using it with my Marantz CD63SE for a while and ideally with the Quad 11Ls for quite some time, so I would be interested in hearing how people think this might work out? My plan for the CD player would be to eventually buy a Rega Apollo. The other options I am considering are the XTZ A100 D3 and C100 amp/CD player, the Rega Apollo/Brio 3 combination (initially with the Quads but eventually with Rega RS1s), or the Audio Analogue Crescendo amp with the 11Ls and then, later on, the matching CD player. Any thoughts or other ideas gratefully received.


If you like the idea of Naim Nait 5i, a cracking synergy match for it will be Epos. If you can stretch to M12s, great. If not, then M5i should be fine. Alternatively, although not heard, EB acoustics EB1s (Andrew first drew our attention to the combo).

The only real advantage the A18 has, like all Arcams, is they can be bi-amped to great effect.
matthewpiano:I'm not ruling out something used, although I'd be slightly concerned about Roksan reliability without proper back-up. I've read a fair number of complaints about issues on the previous Kandy models.

I'm unsure about your current kit, but if you have the Quads already, a better match would be Creek Evo I or II.
Something I have noticed is how little we hear about forum members with all (or mostly) Naim kit changing over to other brands.

They tend to change their Naim equipment for more (or better) Naim equipment.

The Cyrus crowd also seem to be pretty loyal as are the few all-Rega owners.

There is a lot to be said for this same-brand synergy. A January WHF group test of Rega Brio-3/Apollo/RS3s found the entire system 'gelling' into an overall 5 star performance despite 4 star amp and 4 star speakers.

Maybe you should go for that Apollo/Brio-3/RS1 system in your original post and trust Rega to know what they are doing rather than trying to improve the 'recipe' with components that were never 'voiced' for each other or developed to work together. (I would extend that even as far as the excellent free interconnect that comes with the Apollo.)

Something I have noticed is how little we hear about forum members with all (or mostly) Naim kit changing over to other brands.

They tend to change their Naim equipment for more (or better) Naim equipment.

The Cyrus crowd also seem to be pretty loyal as are the few all-Rega owners.

There is a lot to be said for this same-brand synergy. A January WHF group test of Rega Brio 3/Apollo/RS3s found the entire system 'gelling' into an overall 5 star performance despite 4 star amp and 4 star speakers.

Maybe you should go for that Apollo/Brio 3/RS1 system in your original post and trust Rega to know what they are doing rather than trying to improve the 'recipe' with components that were never 'voiced' for each other or developed to work together. (I would extend that even as far as the excellent free interconnect that comes with the Apollo.)

True, and I also think an all Rega kit is logical. Although I've not heard any Rega stuff (except turntables), I have read and heard that Rega don't mix as well as partnered with their siblings.

The reason why I suggested the brands I have is because Matthew has chopped 'n' changed a scary amount of times and is yet to find a happy medium. So, I guess I'm aiming for the safe options (not sonically) of known kit I've heard that works well together.
You should look at a used Roksan Kandy. You seem opposed to buying used equipment, why?

Lots of used equipment is "like new". The only thing I would avoid used would be a CDP.
i am running quad11L with a roksan k2 and works greats very detailed. the fullbodied sound from the k2 suits the quads. some people might like a bit more thump in the bass but then you would not buy the quads 11L in the first places.
I'm with JD - I don't really think the Quad 11Ls are particularly bright. I had the 12L2s and had a problem with boomy bass because of the double rear ports, but this was improved by bunging one of them! When I bought my Rega Saturn at Frank Harvey, we used 11L2s in the demo room - much bigger than mine at home so the speakers were clear of the back wall - and they sounded excellent.

When I upgraded to 21L2s (floorstanders) I couldn't believe the improvement, considering the drivers are supposedly the same. It was a night and day transformation and the synergy with my CD player and amp is brilliant. Imagery is fantastic and there's no boominess at all. The Quads have been around for quite a while and are certainly not 'flavour of the month', but I definitely feel that they're worth an audition at present prices. For some reason they seem to be more highly regarded in the US.
Something I have noticed is how little we hear about forum members with all (or mostly) Naim kit changing over to other brands.

They tend to change their Naim equipment for more (or better) Naim equipment.

The Cyrus crowd also seem to be pretty loyal as are the few all-Rega owners.

There is a lot to be said for this same-brand synergy. A January WHF group test of Rega Brio-3/Apollo/RS3s found the entire system 'gelling' into an overall 5 star performance despite 4 star amp and 4 star speakers.

Maybe you should go for that Apollo/Brio-3/RS1 system in your original post and trust Rega to know what they are doing rather than trying to improve the 'recipe' with components that were never 'voiced' for each other or developed to work together. (I would extend that even as far as the excellent free interconnect that comes with the Apollo.)

Excellent point Chebby and I think there is a lot of sense in what you say. The Rega system is very tempting. I've heard it before and really liked it and its less of a stretch financially than the Naim.

The question is, if I do go the Rega route, which two items should I buy first?

I currently have a Marantz CD63SE CD player and a pair of Quad 11Ls (as well as some Diamond 9.1s and Mission 751s).

Should I start off with the Brio and RS1s and use them with the CD63SE for now, or should I buy the Apollo and Brio and use them with the Quads (or either of the other speakers) until I can save up some more money for the speakers?
In that scenario I'd buy the RS1s and Brio, using your current CDP. The amp and speakers are excellent and I think they'll gel well with the KI. You could save for the new Rega DAC instead of the Apollo.
Sorreltiger no doubt the 21L2 are gorgeous speakers.much much more balanced in sound than the 11L2.One of the best floorstanders for me..well if not the best, cant think of another one to beat it for me
FWIW, an all Rega system of the flip top CDP (the names gone out my head), Mira (original) and Rega floorstanders is the best system I have ever heard. It sounded so clear, detailed and musical, beating Krell and Moon, far more expensive set ups at the same demo.
igglebert:In that scenario I'd buy the RS1s and Brio, using your current CDP. The amp and speakers are excellent and I think they'll gel well with the KI. You could save for the new Rega DAC instead of the Apollo.

Excellent suggestion
matthewpiano:...I am considering are the XTZ A100 D3 and C100

Been considering these myself. Quite a nice saving when buying the two together as well.

matthewpiano:Any thoughts or other ideas gratefully received.

Since you like the Quad 11L how about trying the Quad 11L Active (£499) hooked up to the new Quad Elite CD-P?

Just a thought. Happy hunting.


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