NAD c272 / 1155 replacement ?

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Sep 10, 2015
Hi all . I've used everybody else's topics for a long time so thought it about time I joined.

Basically I have a Nad c272 (150w) power amp from 2008 and a elderly (1984?!) Nad pre amp . The pre is falling apart but still performs ok. I recently bought some kef r500 speakers. Everybody told me to try the Nad c162 with the c272. I did and to my ears it was cold and despite being detailed the bass had evaporated .

My question is what do I replace my pre or both amps with? Budget £1200ish. I like a warmer , perhaps bass heavy sound. My gear = Audiolab 8200cd , rebuilt Rega p3 (inspire re build) with gold ring 1042.
Mercurys_cat said:
Hi all . I've used everybody else's topics for a long time so thought it about time I joined.

Basically I have a Nad c272 (150w) power amp from 2008 and a elderly (1984?!) Nad pre amp . The pre is falling apart but still performs ok. I recently bought some kef r500 speakers. Everybody told me to try the Nad c162 with the c272. I did and to my ears it was cold and despite being detailed the bass had evaporated .?

My question is what do I replace my pre or both amps with? Budget £1200ish.  I like a warmer , perhaps bass heavy sound.   My gear = Audiolab 8200cd , rebuilt Rega p3 (inspire re build) with gold ring 1042. 

And the c160 id of thought bass would not be an issue. The amp is a power house.
Are the speakers new? Did you demo them before buying. Bass on the r series is controlled and maybe you were used to a more flabby bass?
hi and thanks for the reply. The kef r500 bass is deep and controlled with the 272 power and my ancient 1155pre. It was when I changed to the newer c162 that all bass evaporated . As the 1155 is falling apart I was hoping for a replacement to both or just the pre. Cheers . Ian
Mercurys_cat said:
I was hoping for a replacement to both


if you decide to replace both I'm interested by your C272.

I was to buy => this one <= but I was on holidays and my internet connection failed.

I can offer you £200 including shipping to France. It's my best price because I'm not a rich man.

Thanks for reading.

I suggest the Arcam A29, which seems to fit your criteria. There is also the Rega Elex R, Musical Fidelity M3si, Peachtree Deco 65, Creek Evo 50A, or possibly Croft Integrated.
Thanks for the suggestion . A dealer told me the only musical fidelity amp the r500 would work well with is the m6si which is a lovely amp I'm sure but a bit over my budget. Anybody know what the Marantz pm14 s1 is like?
Mercurys_cat said:
Thanks for the suggestion . A dealer told me the only musical fidelity amp the r500 would work well with is the m6si which is a lovely amp I'm sure but a bit over my budget. Anybody know what the Marantz pm14 s1 is like?

And did he just happen to have the said M6si in stock? ................ I think the world needs to know. 🙂
Al ears said:
Mercurys_cat said:
Thanks for the suggestion . A dealer told me the only musical fidelity amp the r500 would work well with is the m6si which is a lovely amp I'm sure but a bit over my budget. Anybody know what the Marantz pm14 s1 is like?

And did he just happen to have the said M6si in stock? ................ I think the world needs to know. 🙂

yes indeed he did!
Mercurys_cat said:
Al ears said:
Mercurys_cat said:
Thanks for the suggestion . A dealer told me the only musical fidelity amp the r500 would work well with is the m6si which is a lovely amp I'm sure but a bit over my budget. Anybody know what the Marantz pm14 s1 is like?

And did he just happen to have the said M6si in stock? ................ I think the world needs to know. 🙂

yes indeed he did!

What a nice honest dealer he is eh?
I've seen one going for £1600 . Having listened to its little brother in Hereford yesterday im not sure I would like it. The s1000 sounded thin and boxy in the mids . I quite liked the Marantz pm14 special edition .that ticked a lot of boxes for me except the price!
Hi all . I've used everybody else's topics for a long time so thought it about time I joined.

Basically I have a Nad c272 (150w) power amp from 2008 and a elderly (1984?!) Nad pre amp . The pre is falling apart but still performs ok. I recently bought some kef r500 speakers. Everybody told me to try the Nad c162 with the c272. I did and to my ears it was cold and despite being detailed the bass had evaporated .

My question is what do I replace my pre or both amps with? Budget £1200ish. I like a warmer , perhaps bass heavy sound. My gear = Audiolab 8200cd , rebuilt Rega p3 (inspire re build) with gold ring 1042.
If you still haveNADC272 I would be interested in buying it

if you decide to replace both I'm interested by your C272.

I was to buy => this one <= but I was on holidays and my internet connection failed.

I can offer you £200 including shipping to France. It's my best price because I'm not a rich man.

Thanks for reading.

If you still haveNADC272 I would be inetresed in buying it. Darwin
If you still haveNADC272 I would be inetresed in buying it. Darwin
As this thread is nine years old your post is a bit irrelevant really.
Welcome to the forum and note, it's always best to check the dates of posts before you add one.
Also the original poster hasn't been seen since 2015 so I guess your post is unlikely to get a reply..... 😎
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