I hope someone finds this interesting - a list of my 30 most recent headphones and their deficiencies or deviations from neutral sound that I had to accomodate to make them enjoyable for hi-fi listening. http://dalethorn.com/Headphones_Top_30.txt
interesting your efforts will be a great help to some one starting there head phone journey I didnt realy get on with head phones and didn't put as much effort into it as you have good man
I bought three pairs of No. 25 on the list (Sennheiser PX 100-II) when they were at the silly price of £29 a pair in my local John Lewis a few weeks ago. They had gone back up to £32 when I walked past them today.
(Silly price for JL given that it's a department store. Currys were charging £44.95 and HMV had them in a 'sale' at £38.95!)
My wife uses them when watching her iPlayer/ITV player stuff on her PC and I (very occasionally) use a pair with my iPhone or laptop.
The other pair went to eldest daughter who - like me- hates 'in-ear' phones and has always used PX 100s.
The original PX 100s sounded a bit better than the Mk IIs, but fell apart very quickly. The MKIIs are much more robust despite no longer having the hard case.
Yes, true - missing a lot of things. Since I buy this stuff on a limited budget, I don't know if I'll get around to the brands I'm missing. I did have a K240 I think it was in the 90's - an excellent headphone.