My Panasonic plasma

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Oh dear, the bashing continues...

Lee H thanks for the link, reading that gave me de ja vu!

To be clear about a comment made about myself earlier by MrCoolxx i did sell my replacement G20 but not because of any IR or burn, i simply wasn't happy with the tv as a whole and as the new range was on the horizon i took the opportunity to upgrade to a GT30 and i'm very happy i did as it's a superior tv in every respect.

I have to say i too am very happy with my GT30 plasma tv and despite the burn issues with my first G20 i'm still more than happy to buy a plasma tv, as has been pointed out already the other tv techs on the market have their issues too and i fell victim to those far more than i did with one single G20.

You should always read the manual of anything you buy, it's put in the box for a reason, and to ignore it is a mistake.
MrCoolxx said:
You have been lucky with your purchase not everyone will be like you.

A quote from Panasonic's 2011 Annual report -
Flat-panel TV sales climbed 123% year on year, surpassing 200 million units for the irst time

" Flat-panel TV sales climbed 123% year on year, surpassing 200 million units for the first time"

It would seem they have quite a few 'lucky' customers - which I am one owning a 42GT20.
hi why are members on this forum still giving mr coolxx the time of day after all this site is to help anyone with issues with there tv like i did and the help was invaluble purely this member is only using these forums to air his frustrations with panasonic and not to seek help as they are intended for 😡
MrCoolxx said:
D.J.KRIME said:
MrCoolxx said:
As for me i in process of getting rid of my tv and moving from plasma to Led.

Yes because LED lit LCD's dont have any issues like un-even backlight, or slower response times to name but 2! And you do know that the same rules apply to cleaning a LCD screen as to a Plasma as in its recomended that you only use a soft microfibre cloth and NO STRONG CHEMICALS!

I have owned many Plasma displays over the years from Fujitsu,Pioneer,Panasonic and Samsung and using them for both TV/DVD and gaming have never had any issues with screenburn or severe IR even on my now acient Fujitsu which had no IR protection yet my Son still uses it on a daily basis playing COD for hours. But then I've never left any of them on pause for 4 hours whilst on the phone then moan about the product even though its clearly your own fault, if your going to be a while whilst a static image is being displayed why not simply turn the TV off??? this would not only save any IR issues but also save money on wasted power!!!

Ohhhhh noooo you mean LCD get's ir screen burn too?

Actually yes they do get screen burn (after all this time I would have thought you may have grasped the concept that IR and screen burn are different things ? Then again....) - I'm sitting in front of two Neovo 19" LCD monitors at the moment which have the OS screens of an avid Media Composer burnt into them - and they are less than two years old. Oh and rather than asking a salesman at Maplin or Richer Sounds about screen cleaning products, I thought I'd pop up to our engineeering department and ask some of our very highly qualified broadcast trained engineers (mostly ex-BBC) what cleaner they insist the Tech Ops use to clean the screens we have at work (which include £30K Sony BVM Trimaster OLEDs and Sony HDCRTs, as well as a load of Pioneer Kuros, Panasonic VT20s, Sony Bravias, LG LCDs, JVC Passive 3D screens, and masses of LG, Neovo, Eizo and Samsung computer monitors. Their unanimous answer was.....distilled water and a microfibre cloth. When I asked if they would consider using a proprietary screen cleaner, their response was "only if we wanted to ++++ up the screen coatings" (they did pass a few other choice comments about the contents of those bottles and the people who sell them but if I quoted them I'd be in trouble).

So as you were so dismissive of our 'amateur' advice earlier in this plethora of debates, and were off to seek the help of a 'professional', I thought that, just in the spirit of fair play, I'd obtain a non-biased opinion about screen cleaning from five highly qualified broadcast engineers who really do know what they are talking about......
Andrew Everard said:
MrCoolxx said:
Also Panasonic kinda acknowledged this by including protection in the 2011 models.

To the best of my knowledge, and in common with other plasma manufacturers, Panasonic has for many years included strategies to reduce the chances of screen burn and image retention, such as screen orbiters and the like.

Not on the TX - P42GT20B but made an apearance on the next model up lol well there's a surprise the P42GT30B!
If i bought a plasma that ended up with permanent screen burn, after leaving a static image on for just 4 hours, i'd not be too happy about it.
Oldboy said:
Oh dear, the bashing continues...

Lee H thanks for the link, reading that gave me de ja vu!

To be clear about a comment made about myself earlier by MrCoolxx i did sell my replacement G20 but not because of any IR or burn, i simply wasn't happy with the tv as a whole and as the new range was on the horizon i took the opportunity to upgrade to a GT30 and i'm very happy i did as it's a superior tv in every respect.

I have to say i too am very happy with my GT30 plasma tv and despite the burn issues with my first G20 i'm still more than happy to buy a plasma tv, as has been pointed out already the other tv techs on the market have their issues too and i fell victim to those far more than i did with one single G20.

You should always read the manual of anything you buy, it's put in the box for a reason, and to ignore it is a mistake.

Remember i read your thread all the way through and at one point you got paranoid of even using it at one stage because the ir issues. Even after 5 - 30 mins you could end up with IR. I also remember mentioning they classes your tv as a fault a refreshing fault and put a new board in for you. I'm sorry to keep bringing you up on these threads but as you had problems with same tv as me i feel it is only appropriate. Most people will get IR at some stage on a plasma but they are compensated with a new tv. Si as i told i abused my tv then that must also go for you and any one who had problems with IR on a plasma. I guess we must be a society of abusers lol. Anyway one thing we both agree on is we both be glad to see the end of this model. The G20 was not Panasonics best by a long shot. But like you it's cost me a lot of money to rectify my biggest mistake of all buying the Panasonic G20
IR is a temporary problem which will eventually disappear. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions from then on. I don't see any point in feeling unfortunate about it.
bigboss said:
IR is a temporary problem which will eventually disappear. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions from then on. I don't see any point in feeling unfortunate about it.

Do you accept ir after 5 minutes use as abuse or acceptable for that matter being? pull the menu up change the contrast and brightness = IR! out with the Screen Protector again.

Ask your self this, two members one from Essex and myself from Nottingham same tv TX - P42GT30 same problem, both wanted rid of the tv in the end.


We hate Panasonic erm no Oldboy has a panny plasma gt30 i also have a camera with them i've also had a pair of Technics turntables and once a 3DO all made by Panasonic. But this tv takes the biscuit it really does IR problems poor screen protection Anti Protection Coating, also bad flickering at times. It wasn't the best product they released on the market it reminds me of a film the good aka gt30 the bad gt20b.

You can't help go on about IR when it pops up after 5 minutes use. I think alot of people should go and read Oldboys entire thread page 1 to finish and then judge for your selves. Not just blame the customer, Panasonic have to take the majority of blame for releasing a poor product onto the market. I hope to sell tomorrow just like Oldboy did i gonna cross everything i got, if i do then i be praying to god for a few days that there's no comebacks. My worst purchase in my life was a Panasonic GT20B but it upwards and onwards bye, bye Panasonic i learnt my lesson don't buy Panasonic again.......... :shame:
But your IR came after 4 hours! If I were in your place, I would accept IR in such a scenario. Panasonic is most resistant to IR compared to Samsung or LG.

Every TV manufacturer has had some problem or the other, not just Panasonic.

Every TV technology has some problem or the other. You're well aware of the issues with backlight bleed & poor refresh rates of LCDs & LED lit LCDs. Check Sony's flagship LED lit LCD TV HX923's problem thread.

And Samsung:

If you think OLED is the future & won't have any problems like the current "ancient technology", you're in for a surprise my friend. OLED is made of organic materials & will decay over time, its life probably worse than current technologies. Check this thread:
MrCoolxx said:
Oldboy said:
Oh dear, the bashing continues...

Lee H thanks for the link, reading that gave me de ja vu!

To be clear about a comment made about myself earlier by MrCoolxx i did sell my replacement G20 but not because of any IR or burn, i simply wasn't happy with the tv as a whole and as the new range was on the horizon i took the opportunity to upgrade to a GT30 and i'm very happy i did as it's a superior tv in every respect.

I have to say i too am very happy with my GT30 plasma tv and despite the burn issues with my first G20 i'm still more than happy to buy a plasma tv, as has been pointed out already the other tv techs on the market have their issues too and i fell victim to those far more than i did with one single G20.

You should always read the manual of anything you buy, it's put in the box for a reason, and to ignore it is a mistake.

Remember i read your thread all the way through and at one point you got paranoid of even using it at one stage because the ir issues. Even after 5 - 30 mins you could end up with IR. I also remember mentioning they classes your tv as a fault a refreshing fault and put a new board in for you. I'm sorry to keep bringing you up on these threads but as you had problems with same tv as me i feel it is only appropriate. Most people will get IR at some stage on a plasma but they are compensated with a new tv. Si as i told i abused my tv then that must also go for you and any one who had problems with IR on a plasma. I guess we must be a society of abusers lol. Anyway one thing we both agree on is we both be glad to see the end of this model. The G20 was not Panasonics best by a long shot. But like you it's cost me a lot of money to rectify my biggest mistake of all buying the Panasonic G20

I was just making it clear that i didn't sell the 2nd G20 due to any IR or burn issues, that's all. The 2nd set i had never suffered with any IR or burn either for as long as i owned it or since i sold it to a friend, yes, i had issues with the first one which are well documented but i thought it was worth pointing out that the 2nd tv had no such issues in this respect.

The refresh rate was not the issue with the tv because after the repair was carried out the fault returned after minimal use, to this day i have no idea why the tv had excessive IR which burned an image into the tv and the repair company were unable to provide any answers. As i said in my thread once the repair company had tried and failed to repair the issue they were of the opinion that nothing further could be done to attempt to repair the tv and so i went back to my retailer to negotiate a resolution which ended up being a replacement tv.

I wasn't overly concerned that the 2nd G20 would have the same issues but i just wasn't happy with the tv as a whole and so when the opportunity came to upgrade i didn't think twice about it. Yes the burn on the first one was one of the reasons i chose to upgrade but the main factor was i had seen tvs with far superior picture quality (the GT30 & VT30) which persuaded me to get a new tv.
I get some very minor IR after a good few hours of playing games on my PS3 (GT5), although this is only noticeable when I turn off the PS3 and the screen goes black. After a few seconds of watching tv the screen is back to normal, a small price to pay for the superior refresh rates and deeper blacks compared to LCD models at the time (Pany 42PZ85 from a few years ago). Also SD pictures seem to look better on plasmas compared to LCD models, or at least mine does compared to a Sony bravia LCD that we have in the house.

I even fell asleep watching a dvd one night and woke up the next morning with a static image showing on my tv from my dvd player. Must admit I feared the worst as the tv was almost brand new at the time, but after a few mins of normal tv viewing the IR had completely disappeared.

With any consumer electronics there will always be a certain failure rate, be that issues with backlights,IR or even component failures. Even if they had a 5% failure rate that still leaves 1.9 million happy customers (if they sold 2 million last year). In fact pick any product and there will always be reported problems no matter who the manufacturer is, everything from a cheapo toaster to a million pound super car. As long as you havn't abused it then the warranty should cover you.
Just to add don't always believe what you read on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter). Some comments,views or statements may have been made by someone with a vested intrest. Some unscrupulous manufacturer or retailer for example may post a glowing review of their products or even heaven forbid, flood the internet with complaints against a rival or rivals products.

I am not saying that happens on here by the way, as I am sure no one who posts on these forums has the morals of a politician.
I don't have an iPod. So - when wanting some relaxing sounds in the pool - I got a 25 metre mains extension and put my M-CR603 on an inflatable horse...




(Not to scale.)

...this worked brilliantly (with me towing the M-CR603 around gently by the headphones' cable).

But, after just 10 minutes, the horse got caught by a wave, wobbled, then tipped my M-CR603 into the water!! This dragged the extension cable into the water and I almost got lobotomised by my headphones conducting the mains through the water in my ears!

I have since thoroughly checked the instructions for the M-CR603 (and the horse) and apart from a tiny - easily missed - note on page 3 ("Do not use near water") there was no warning against this eventuality. No mention of pools, or inflatable horses, or electrocution at all. Just that lame little small-print line on page 3.

I will never use Marantz again. Their customer service agent just sighed when I relayed the trauma (and near death experience they caused me). They suck! Don't buy their products.
Chebby , i cant believe you could be so silly.

What i do is sit my Marantz on a "Li-Lo", that way if you "catch a wave" the bigger square area of the li-lo keeps the marantz safe if it does not stay upright. :rofl:
chebby said:
I don't have an iPod. So - when wanting some relaxing sounds in the pool - I got a 25 metre mains extension and put my M-CR603 on an inflatable horse...




(Not to scale.)

...this worked brilliantly (with me towing the M-CR603 around gently by the headphones' cable).

But, after just 10 minutes, the horse got caught by a wave, wobbled, then tipped my M-CR603 into the water!! This dragged the extension cable into the water and I almost got lobotomised by my headphones conducting the mains through the water in my ears!

I have since thoroughly checked the instructions for the M-CR603 (and the horse) and apart from a tiny - easily missed - note on page 3 ("Do not use near water") there was no warning against this eventuality. No mention of pools, or inflatable horses, or electrocution at all. Just that lame little small-print line on page 3.

I will never use Marantz again. Their customer service agent just sighed when I relayed the trauma (and near death experience they caused me). They suck! Don't buy their products.

I don't have the tv no more it has moved on with it's life thank god! So not interested in Plasma no more feel it's old tech now. Choosing a tv is a potential minefield really. Looking at Ces and generally the market i would say Samsung and LG lead the market. I had a Samsung Lcd before i went to Plasma. Also the p42gt30 b looks so small for a 42 inch and plasma's just can't compete with the colour brighness of led. This is a new year and everything is to play for but doubt Panasonic will do anything this year. Just taking an ansolute age for LG and Samsung to launch. If any one knows anything plz post.......

MrCoolxx said:
Also the p42gt30 b looks so small for a 42 inch

Isn't that normally considered a good thing i.e. cramming a 42" screen into as small a package as possible? Seems to be what the other manufacturers are trying to achieve i.e. bezelless, Kate Moss-style thin TVs (hint - they disappear when side on).

MrCoolxx said:
This is a new year and everything is to play for but doubt Panasonic will do anything this year.

Yeah, I suspect they'll just have the year off.
MrCoolxx said:
This is a new year and everything is to play for but doubt Panasonic will do anything this year. Just taking an ansolute age for LG and Samsung to launch. If any one knows anything plz post.......

Samsung actually one of first with a 2012 set out there - you can read the review here

And Panasonic has 12 TV ranges on the way this year - 6 plasma; 6 LED-backlit LCD
Clare Newsome said:
And Panasonic has 12 TV ranges on the way this year - 6 plasma; 6 LED-backlit LCD

You can't tempt me Clare 🙂 I bought our (LED) Panasonic exactly 1 year ago tomorrow and still cannot believe how good it is (5 star award winner in 2010) on SD, BD and DVD. In two weeks time we also - finally - get HD Freeview.

It's only 1 year into a 5 year John Lewis guarantee. We gave our old 32" LCD Samsung to the elderly couple next door (to replace their old CRT and dodgy supermarket grade 'set-top' box) whilst it still had a full year left on it's JL cover.

So at that rate, I will be replacing our Panasonic around Spring 2015. (For another 32" if they still make that size, or 37" if they don't.)

I am one of the industries worst nightmares. I buy a TV about every 4 - 5 years and - worse still - I wait until just before the new ranges come out. (Our Panasonic was £1089 at launch and £599 when I got it.)

Also, we don't like/need a big telly. When we bought our first LCD (the 32" Samsung I mentioned above) we had migrated from a 22" Panasonic CRT and could not believe the size of the thing in our room!

I see 42" screens in the shops and wonder how people live them (let alone the 50" monsters so commonly discussed on the forum).

The TV industry would have died long ago if I were it's average customer!
The_Lhc said:
chebby said:
The TV industry would have died long ago if I were it's average customer!

You are, it is.

I'm not sure.

It is a very common sight (especially every October) to see a couple of students lugging a 50" TV carton out of the doors of Tesco/Argos/Currys and through the shopping centre to their halls of residence nearby. (Skateboards are popular for this.)

An even more common sight at the weekends in our largest local supermarkets, when more people seem to be loading big TVs into their cars than those loading groceries.
chebby said:
The_Lhc said:
chebby said:
The TV industry would have died long ago if I were it's average customer!

You are, it is.

I'm not sure.

It is a very common sight (especially every October) to see a couple of students lugging a 50" TV carton out of the doors of Tesco/Argos/Currys and through the shopping centre to their halls of residence nearby. (Skateboards are popular for this.)

An even more common sight at the weekends in our largest local supermarkets, when more people seem to be loading big TVs into their cars than those loading groceries.

Not common enough to keep the TV companies going though. You've bought more TVs than I have in the last two years, the only one I bought in the last 5 years was from a company that had already announced they were pulling out of TVs.
chebby said:
It is a very common sight (especially every October) to see a couple of students lugging a 50" TV carton out of the doors of Tesco/Argos/Currys and through the shopping centre to their halls of residence nearby. (Skateboards are popular for this.)

An even more common sight at the weekends in our largest local supermarkets, when more people seem to be loading big TVs into their cars than those loading groceries.

Many of these purchases, however, are of ultra-low price plasmas - basically older-gen spec churned out to a price point. Neither manufacturers nor retailers are making much (if any) out of those sets...


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