I took a chance by ordering the VDAC from the UK before ever listening to it and now use the VDAC to play FLACs thru USB and luckily it sounds very good (on my MA GR20's). Mainly classical, jazz and acoustic folk/pop/r&b.. The reason for buying was that I did not want an extra DacMagic-like box with buttons and filter settings, I prefered a simple box that can tucked away, also given the WAF. (I also reckoned that since it looked so ugly it must sound very good...). I still have to find out what signals it accepts (I assume 32, 41 and 48Khz/16bits - same as the MF A1 amp) - the documentation is, well let's call it concise. Eventually I aim for a pc based system with a netbook (with extra external hd) > VDAC > (new) amp > MA GR20. Current amp is a NAD 320bee, but I would probably will replace it in due time. If anyone has suggestions for an integrated amp please let me know. Note that I will only use one analog input, from the dac, all the rest is superfluous. Also, a good headphone output would be nice (the NAD is rather poor), although I will not use it very often.