I'm happy everything came cack in to place for you. I'm still in the ptrocess of finding the best speakers an the diablo's are shurly on my shotlist ;-).
About the speaker hunt as manny know I started my demo's. An the first one was amazing.....
Unfortunaly to my big surprise it's not the speaker I had in mind who won the game.... :twisted: at least for now...
At the momment it is really warm here an even if I hesitated in the morning to pack the ams I dicided to leave it.
Like Alex said I arrived to late (bought my self a Ducati M900 an got delayed at the garage
When I arrived Alex was listening to the Cabasse 'pasific 3 se' I asked him why? because personaly I have only heard there entrence models an that didn't convince me at all.....
So the dealler conected the keff's an as it was oké I good enoyed by messy low's this was really strange becaus it was the cd of Geoffrey Oreyame on world records, those are normaly really well recorded.....
We changed the record to P gabriel 'Scratch my back' an there it was way better. In the mean time I was missing something I mean I had they impression this record was more dynamic at home....
An I couldn't stop thinking 'am shore this would sound better with my AMS, why didn't I bring it....)
Than actualy the dealer insisted a bit on trying the Cabasse....
An actually I was amased It was cleaner, had more puch but without bgetting to attaching so it kept this laid back but powerfull sound. It had space an detail...
It had that touch more compared to the keff's but this is provably because of the semi active concept.... Than also you have to stretch an additional 4000€
Honestly I guess this was not one of my best demo's because my mind was somewere else... So it was hard to spot acurate pro an contra's
I think the keff's where amazing detailed an smooth (maybe a litle to smooth), an I was missing something in the low's can't really say what because some moments it was good but than mostly it wass adding sothing enoying...
Like I said I don't think this was an acurate demo....because of the reasons I mentioned but also, I think I was maybe expecting to much...An to me the demo was to short...
Dealer said a long demo is not good because you get tired an you start mixing stuff up, but I disagree in a long session I can really stat listening because afther a period you get less analytical on that moment you listen more to the performance. The one who keep you the longest in you chair at that momment making you want to keep listening is provably the best speaker for you.
A yaer ago when all this started I would never had doubt or going against the meaning of a proffesional dealer... But now thing changed....I'm not saying I'm always right but I start to know more an more where I want to go...
So bothem line of this demois that I have to go back to have a better view on things, Bring my ams next time....
Altrough it wasn't completly usless as I now have a view on what Cno ment on the keff's it is a superb speaker, But the IMO the Plenius wasn't the best match with it...
An I dicovered a great new speaker ;-) Altrough this is friegthen me a little as when I upgreded my amp I stated listen to an MF m3 an ended up with an AMS35i
Where will this hunt bring me :? :wall: