So almost listened whole the weekend to my music....
So for now I guess the play in time heve been a little more than 50h, I agree it's not much but at this point I can anly sar it's getting better an better. Actualy I moved the furniture again. So according to the dealer the running in proces restarted from 0, personaly I doubt that maybe you lose a bit but get it back quicker than befor I think. Or is it that my new positioning of my gear is that much better???? True I found a pretty good position for now.
One thing we all know the AMS is getting extreemly warm, but I didn't remember the demo amp was getting that warm.
An on top of that the demo kit was on the floor on a carepet now its on top of a wooden rack so it should get a little less warm no??? On the left 2cm from it there is my TT an on the right my cdp.... but the top is free so plenty of space to breathe.
Considering the misadventure our friend had this is worieing me a bit.
Now like I said the sound is slowly but shurly getting set to what I'm reaching for.
It's like how more it plays how space I get. the bass is getting tighter an fuller. I have less this horn feeling on the low department it still there on some albums but its getting better.
Eronicly I also noticed that his strongness can be a weaknes.... What I mean is I'm so amazed by the accuratie thz sound can get so real it's superb... really. But than it can also be a weaknes
EX I put up the Daftpunk album Alive 1997. It great it usualy want to make me shake I listened to the cd in the gym on a budget system an it was getting really punchy an you didn't really get the live feeling.
An on the ams I still like the mix but I felt really live an in the process lost a bit of agressivity don't get me wrong everything was there, more than I ever heard before it is like you are in front of the stage, an in they end it still make me actualy it was not wrong but it was a completly different presentation than what I heard in the week.
So normaly on most of my music I consider this a ++++
but here can't really tell my first impresion was that it was missing a bit agresivity...
Thats what I mean when I say sometimes it's to good
So to resume my experience of the wknd.
Detail is exeptional I discover subtilitys on almost every recording. (when it is a bad recording aswell :-( )
The mid is getting that space every instrument get his place even on more complicated music they don't stucked to ech other but you still have a nice, sweet harmonic separation between the instruments.
The voices are full bodied an warm already on modt of the albums some of theme still have this harsh peaks but as it's getting better I don't expect it to last to long.
On the bass department like I said it getting a nice roundy, curvy touch.
Tighter an pacier, like it have more room to express it self.
Altrue it it's still overwelming from time to time an than you get this horn effect, but here aswell as it's getting better I don't expect it to last.
But as you know I'm not the most patient kind of guy next wknd I will get a secound carpet four the woden part who is still naked in my livingroom in front of my speakers.
See if it improves.
Taking all in considseration I had a pretty good weekend an also start to put my mind at rest with my choice hearing the results. An this on my current gear.
So to be honest I have a good feeling about the future when I upgrade my component's to the capability's of the AMS.
Keep you posted.