Monitor Audio RX8 Amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Currently i am using a Marantz SR6004 with MA RX8's as front speakers and a RX centre, later a subwoofer and rears will be added.

The sound for movies is great, but i think the stereo sound could be better.

I was thinking about adding a stereo ampfier or a pre-amplifier connected to the pre-out, what will be a good match with these speakers?

The budget is around 1500 euro, second hand is also an option.

The room is around 27 square meter.
What kind of music do you listen to and also what brands can you demo?

IMO the likes of the Leema Pulse, NAD C355BEE, Marantz PM7003, Creek Evo II and Arcam FMJ A28 amps would be a good start
I listen to all sorts of music (R&B, Dance/Trance/Lounge, Classical, etc) , exept rock, heavy metal.

Above you mentioned only integrated amps, currently i have my server connected to the SR6004 via optical.

In your case i wil also need a seperate dac, or i can use the integrated amp as a power amplifier if i connect it to the pre-out.

What will be the difference in sound between a integrated amp + dac or a power amp/integrated connected to pre-out of the SR6004.

I can demo almost all the amps you mentioned.
I assume you mean the room is about 5x5.5 metres? 27x27 would be a littel excessive

I would go for an integrated amp to drive your speakers - adding a pre-amp will inprove things, but then you're limited by the AV amp's power amp section, and if you add a power amp, which is usually the best way to drive a speaker better, you're then limited by the AV amp's re-amp section. Either way, something will hold them back.

If you need an amp with a built in DAC, you could take a look at the Cyrus 8xpd.


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