Monitor Audio GX100 treble and high end


Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Hello All,

A few weeks ago I recently purchased an updated hif system (refer my signature below). I havn't had an opportunity to continually "burn in" the components or speakers yet. It's been getting good use over the weekend, and some week nights, but not a massive amount of burn in - unfortunately too many other commitmemnhts at the moment to enjoy it fully. At a guess probably 20-40 hrs total burn in.

Bass definition and mid range is great, but towards the higher end of the spectrum cymbal sounds, hihats, etc are quite recessive. I demoed this system prior to buying and it sounded great. Is it just a matter of being patient and allowing the system to settle in? If so any thoughts of how long?



New member
Feb 12, 2013
Monitor Audio speakers have a reputation for taking a while to bed in, you are sure the tweeters are working, the links are in on the crossovers etc, apologies if this sounds patronising, I had that in a demo once (link missing not the patronising bit!)



Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Thanks Tommo,

Bare with me while I give you more info..........I currentli have the speakers biamped. Tweeters to integreated amp, bass drivers to power amp. Both amps have different wattages, but are supposedly gain matched. Amp runs in pre/power mode when biamped, but when I switch between channels on the amp separately between the power and integrated there is definetely more noise coming from the power amp, but I have read that that's expected, as the bass drivers produce more of the sounds than the higher frequency tweeters - correct? There's certainly noise coming from tweeters just not as loud.

Overall on half the songs I listen to it's there, I'm just finding lack of definfition on others. As you say, hopefully a case of them still settling in.

If anyone thinks that my current difference between tweeter and bass driverrs seems odd let me know.



Well-known member
Jun 28, 2007
The pre-amp section of the 8200A is it's weakest link.

The 8200CD has a digital pre amp. Enable it and turn it's volume to lowest first before doing the connections below.

Power off all units.

Connect the output of your 8200CD to the input of the 8200P.

Connect the loop output of the 8200P to the power input of the 8200A.

Set your 8200A to PRE POWER AV mode. This bypass the signal from the 8200A pre amp.

Let your 8200A driver the tweeter and the 8200P drive the woofer or vice versa to see which result in better sound.

Do ensure that jumper links on the binding post are removed first.

Have fun!


New member
Feb 12, 2013
cstanwhf's given some good advice there, but if you want a quicker check just run the tweeters off the power amp and the bass units off the integrated and see if it makes any difference. Then once you have more time run the set up using the CD as a preamp as suggested by cstanwhf

Good Luck!



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