Modern amp sounding like Quad 303/33


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I am looking to buy an entry level modern amp + speakers, and have auditioned so far Rega Brio-R, NAD, Exposure amps with JM Reynaud Bliss, B&W 6-series, Dali Ikon, Dynaudio speakers. Didn't note down all models, this just to give you an idea of the price range I am looking at.

No combination so far has come close to matching the combo of 40-year old Quad 303/33 amp/pre-amp with B&W bookshelf speakers (don't know the model, they are about 10 years old) I heard when visiting a friend. To my ears they sounded beautifully detailed, yet smooth and not aggressive at all.

What modern combination should I definitely audition that may give me a similar sound as these old Quads + B&W, for a living room with high ceilings and wooden floors? Many thanks for any pointers!
Easy. Quad33/303s come up a lot on ebay (along with other old Quad gear). Get a set that's been well looked after and recently serviced and enjoy.

No point in trying like mad to find a new thing, that sounds the same as the old thing, when the old thing is still readily available and still serviceable by the company who made it.
pieterb1 said:
Brussels 🙂

You should make yourself known to Acalex, Roby and DocG, who all live there, and have great contacts / systems.....but you may end up spending more than you intended....there's something in the air there! :shifty:

Quad still make nice stuff, and that includes the previous models.

IMO. You might try Unison Research Unico, Audio Analague, Pathos and Jadis.
If I'm not mistaken, most of these suggestions would indeed go way over my budget for an amp (up to 1k €). Do I really need to look at those types of amps to match this sound of Quad 303? If so, then it seems I might indeed have to take the risk of buying a Quad 303 second-hand (which I am quite hesitant to do).

Or are there other budget options that I could explore? For instance, I have heard Creek Evo 2 and especially the new Evo 50 described as detailed and sweet sounding, would that come close to Quad or is it totally different?
You are never going to find the 'full' Quad sound unless you buy a Quad.

The Creek amp you mentioned, along with the Creek Destiny (way over budget), may come close as might any of the Sugden amps.

You would have to audition very closely though and not just buy 'on spec'.
Why not just use a 303? The 33 pre can be bettered these days aparently so maybe something like an Icon Audio LA3 could be worth a look. I used it with good results with a few power amps, the Quad Elite Stereo included.

The 303 is still supposed to be quite good, it was designed to be used with the 57's but may benifit from a service, lots of places do this inclduing upgrading the terminals to RCA and more modern Banana sockets.

A 405, 606 or even 707 and 909 may be worth a look if you felt you needed a little more power.
One month ago I did some measures: CD PinkF Dark Side otm - absolutely high volumes ( there were no neighbors! ) with 15
o'clock knob, (max is 17 hours) in the peaks had (average) : Vmax = 14 V/ch and Imax = 1.7 A, for a maximum power of almost 25 W/ch; I generally listen to 9:30 hours max, with my wife coming & asking :shame: me for a lower volumes....I've to say that, while the Quad 34 + 306 that I owned before for 20 years , with the same B&W towers, and at a little lower volume, was going in protection (I had to unlock it using the back button) and also warmed up a bit on the smart front radiator, the Marantz instead was almost cold and never gone + in protection. The Quad was also sounding a little harsh and with harder highs, at these levels, while the Pm 6004 has retained a good liquidity on the mid & highs, which were still confortable...; anyway in everydays normal cd listening, at 9:30, I get only an output of 1 W/ch max on peaks, more punchy bass and similar mid vs Quad! So I think you can try a bigger Marantz like 7004 or, better 8004, if the sound is similar .

Just a few thoughts ...
I never play loud music except on new year's eve
It's the lovely quality of the sound that I'm after, at rather low volumes (thin walls). Chamber music, opera, flamenco,...

Wouldn't know how to describe the sound of the Quad 303 though. Detailed but not tiring? Neutral but not clinical? Sweet but not overly coloured?

Of the modern (under 1k€) amps I listened to, Rega sounded very dynamic, made me nervous. Exposure sounded good but not magical. NAD sounded less delicate than the Quad. Apart from the suggestions made above, I'm still in doubt which other amp to audition (or if it even exists) that has some similar (not necessarily the same) characteristics as the old Quad.

If possible, it should pair well with JM Reynaud Bliss or Monitor RX6.
You could buy a cheap set of 33/303 with the idea of getting them serviced.

With the age of them a service will be needed sooner or later anyway!

You could also get second hand speakers.



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