MF m6dac


New member
Jan 16, 2013
There are some very cheap new m6dac being sold at the moment £2k => £6-700 if anyone wants a post Xmas bargain.
Probably a new version due picking up some of the mxdac new features.
Good deal though for a nice DAC. Picked one up yesterday to go with the MF vista 800. Makes everything sound just right. 🙂
Thanks for mentioning, also noticed these going rather 'cheap' recently (compared to their original purchase price amyway..). I was gutted to miss out on one that went for £499 the other week - tried bidding at the last few seconds and my phone decided it would choose that moment to jam up..

How are you finding it? Do you mind me asking what DAC you had before?
I find dacs have perhaps the smallest impact in the chain. I had an Mdac before and I wouldn't say it is better or worse just that it has a better fit with the amp if you know what I mean. A slight change in presentation - Mids a bit more forward and bass slightly improved.


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