Marantz PM8005 Review


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May 28, 2015
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So, after a few weeks of owning the PM8005, i feel ive listened to enough music to give a personal opinion on not one to waffle endlesley with superlatives, so ill keep it as short and sweet as i can. to give a brief background, i listen to a wide variety, dance, hiphop, punk, indie, jazz, classical.....anything other than really hard metal. I previously owned a Denon PM350 SE which was approaching 20 years old (along with my speakers). I was generally loving my system, but the midrange was recessed and on certain albums it was driving me nuts, i was 50/50 as to whether to replace the amp or the speakers, but plumed for the amp as the PM8005 came on a sale at £580 so i couldnt refuse it.


Blacksabbath mentioned he thought the sound changed after 2 weeks, i have to say i was sceptical. However straight out of the box i was "slightly" underwhelmed, dont get me wrong, it did everything i would expect of an amp, however i was still getting the recessed problem i thought as its got a mid tone control....Anyhoo, after a week or so of running it in, the midrange seemed to really come through, to the point where i no longer have any issues with it! So def run the baby in for a week or so.

The soundstage has been improved compared to my Denon, that was good, but the marantz has really added a 3D quality to the representation, especially noticed it with classical.

The treble is clearer, however im not a massive fan of overly bright systems, i would say the amp is not sibilant or necessarily birght, but i would probably be careful about matching it with really bright speakers.

Bass is a bit tighther than with the Denon, it drives the speakers very well, and my missions are real bass excavators, so when cranked up it will mince your inner organs. Love it.

Volume wise i was a bit surprised, it doesnt seem any louder than my Denon (which was 50W), again my standard listening position is about 9:30 - 10 o'clock on the dial, about 11 o'clock is pretty darn loud, and approaching 12 o'clock starts to raise the roof.....pretty much the same as my Denon....i would say however the Marantz has more control nearer the 12 o'clock position.

Overall i would describe the sound as neutral, very clear, sepration of the instumrents and vocals is excellent, and its maybe a bit lively. It doesnt add much character to the music (compared to my Denon which was a very warm sounding amp, which was part of my problem as my speakers are very warm too).


Its a big unit, and its grown on me in terms of appearance. Its not the prettiest out there, the Audiolabs and Creeks slimlines are much prettier - however the Marantz is a lot better value in my opinon, especially as the creek is 50W.

The rear has about all the connections you could ever want, including bi-wire, the speaker termainals are monsters! Even has the ability to use in bi-amp mode.

Having discussed the materials with blacksabbath, he is quite right the flat font facia is metal, however the 2 curved side panels are definitely plastic, but you dont really notice unless up close. Also there are little cut outs on the dials to see where the positions are, and when sat a few meters away its impossible to see the dial position (at least in my set up where the amps sat in a wooden unit). They are my only two real gripes.

Volume is motorised which i really love haha, never had that before.

Remote is just brilliant, and can be used with the CD6005 as a single remote. The ONLY thing you cant do is adjust the tone controls via remote.


The PM8005 has really sorted a few of my bugs out that ive suffered with for a long time now. The sound quality is great and the functionality is just as good, love the tone controls even if i dont use them that much. That said, ive waxed lyrical about laws of diminishing returns for a while, and although the delta to my Denon is easily enough to justify the upgrade, it isnt light years ahead in terms of sound, mainly it sorts out the midrange issue i was having, the other minor improvements are a nice to have.

All PM8005 owners feel free to add your comments for anyone else out there who is thinking of purchasing it!

my system is now finished, and im happy with it. I "may" change the speakers at some point, but im in no rush. Also need to add a record deck.

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philpot1001 said:
So, after a few weeks of owning the PM8005, i feel ive listened to enough music to give a personal opinion on not one to waffle endlesley with superlatives, so ill keep it as short and sweet as i can. to give a brief background, i listen to a wide variety, dance, hiphop, punk, indie, jazz, classical.....anything other than really hard metal. I previously owned a Denon PM350 SE which was approaching 20 years old (along with my speakers). I was generally loving my system, but the midrange was recessed and on certain albums it was driving me nuts, i was 50/50 as to whether to replace the amp or the speakers, but plumed for the amp as the PM8005 came on a sale at £580 so i couldnt refuse it.


Blacksabbath mentioned he thought the sound changed after 2 weeks, i have to say i was sceptical. However straight out of the box i was "slightly" underwhelmed, dont get me wrong, it did everything i would expect of an amp, however i was still getting the recessed problem i thought as its got a mid tone control....Anyhoo, after a week or so of running it in, the midrange seemed to really come through, to the point where i no longer have any issues with it! So def run the baby in for a week or so.

The soundstage has been improved compared to my Denon, that was good, but the marantz has really added a 3D quality to the representation, especially noticed it with classical.

The treble is clearer, however im not a massive fan of overly bright systems, i would say the amp is not sibilant or necessarily birght, but i would probably be careful about matching it with really bright speakers.

Bass is a bit tighther than with the Denon, it drives the speakers very well, and my missions are real bass excavators, so when cranked up it will mince your inner organs. Love it.

Volume wise i was a bit surprised, it doesnt seem any louder than my Denon (which was 50W), again my standard listening position is about 9:30 - 10 o'clock on the dial, about 11 o'clock is pretty darn loud, and approaching 12 o'clock starts to raise the roof.....pretty much the same as my Denon....i would say however the Marantz has more control nearer the 12 o'clock position.

Overall i would descrive the sound as neutral, very clear, sepration of the instumrents and vocals is excellent, and its maybe a bit lively. It doesnt add much character to the music (compared to my Denon which was a very warm sounding amp, which was part of my problem as my speakers are very warm too).


Its a big unit, and its grown on me in terms of appearance. Its not the prettiest out there, the Audiolabs and Creeks slimlines are much prettier - however the Marantz is a lot better value in my opinon, especially as the creek is 50W.

The rear has about all the connections you could ever want, including bi-wire, the speaker termainals are monsters! Even has the ability to use in bi-amp mode.

Having discussed the materials with blacksabbath, he is quite right the flat font facia is metal, however the 2 curved side panels are definitely plastic, but you dont really notice unless up close. Also there are little cut outs on the dials to see where the positions are, and when sat a few meters away its impossible to see the dial position (at least in my set up where the amps sat in a wooden unit). They are my only two real gripes.

Volume is motorised which i really love haha, never had that before.

Remote is just brilliant, and can be used with the CD6005 as a single remote. The ONLY thing you cant do is adjust the tone controls via remote.


The PM8005 has really sorted a few of my bugs out that ive suffered with for a long time now. The sound quality is great and the functionality is just as good, love the tone controls even if i dont use them that much. That said, ive waxed lyrical about laws of diminishing returns for a while, and although the delta to my Denon is easily enough to justify the upgrade, it isnt light years ahead in terms of sound, mainly it sorts out the midrange issue i was having, the other minor improvements are a nice to have.

All PM8005 owners feel free to add your comments for anyone else out there who is thinking of purchasing it!

my system is now finished, and im happy wityh it. I "may" change the speakers at some point, but im in no rush. Also need to add a record deck.

hay told you about the run in and a lot of people thought that was rubbish just goes to show mate i use my pm8005 in dierct mode which it sounds better that way i have never had to use the tone controls only to set up my speakers on the left and right to get your speakers places right i glad you like it i want to bi amp mine but stuck what power amp to use
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Jul 20, 2012
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It just sits there churning out wonderful sound. At less than £600 it's a bargain IMO. (I paid much more.) I have no plans to change it in the foreseeable future.

The OP is correct in saying that the volume control could do with a more distinctive mark to show you where it is sitting. If you have a steady hand a little dot of enamel paint would do the job.

I would say to the OP that he should try the SA8005 as well. I think it is materially better than the CD6005.



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Jan 18, 2008
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philpot1001 said: not one to waffle endlesley with superlatives

Bass is a bit tighther than with the Denon, it drives the speakers very well, and my missions are real bass excavators, so when cranked up it will mince your inner organs. Love it.

... the speaker termainals are monsters! Even has the ability to use in bi-amp mode.

Clearly not ... :)

Good impressions though, thanks


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May 28, 2015
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unlikely I will get around to that, TBH a record deck is a much higher priority for me - plus im genuinely happy with the sound now. Nothing i would change about it. Maybe at some point in the future, you never know.

PS Chris, i add a little spot of bluetack to the dial position so i can see where it is when im listening....i then remove it when im done. Saves having to deface the dial permanently.


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Jul 20, 2012
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philpot1001 said:
unlikely I will get around to that, TBH a record deck is a much higher priority for me - plus im genuinely happy with the sound now. Nothing i would change about it. Maybe at some point in the future, you never know.

PS Chris, i add a little spot of bluetack to the dial position so i can see where it is when im listening....i then remove it when im done. Saves having to deface the dial permanently.

Ok, but if you get a chance to hear the two players side by side do take it. You might be surprised. I was!



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Nov 5, 2014
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Nice writeup.

i think marantz , in terms of their amplifiers, do tend to get serious from 8005 upwards and at the reduced price many dealers are offering it, makes it a one of best value for money amp in the market right now.

I have been a big fan of their cdp ever since i got into this hobby .



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Nov 5, 2014
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drummerman said:
philpot1001 said: not one to waffle endlesley with superlatives

Bass is a bit tighther than with the Denon, it drives the speakers very well, and my missions are real bass excavators, so when cranked up it will mince your inner organs. Love it.

... the speaker termainals are monsters! Even has the ability to use in bi-amp mode.

Clearly not ... :)

Good impressions though, thanks

i like a bit of waffle with icecream

Deleted member 108165

philpot1001 said:
However straight out of the box i was "slightly" underwhelmed, dont get me wrong, it did everything i would expect of an amp, however i was still getting the recessed problem i thought as its got a mid tone control....Anyhoo, after a week or so of running it in, the midrange seemed to really come through, to the point where i no longer have any issues with it! So def run the baby in for a week or so.

Also there are little cut outs on the dials to see where the positions are, and when sat a few meters away its impossible to see the dial position (at least in my set up where the amps sat in a wooden unit). They are my only two real gripes.

my system is now finished, and im happy with it. I "may" change the speakers at some point, but im in no rush. Also need to add a record deck.

Nice honest review, thank you*smile*

I own the 8005's predecessor, (I upgraded from the PM6005/CD6005), and like you I was underwhelmed when I first plugged it in, but after getting used to it I would now not change it. I initially had it running through RX2 speakers, fine speakers but something just didn't sound right. Bought the little PMC's and never looked back! I would say that the reproduction is on the warm side, not bright at all.

Completely agree regarding the volume dial pointer; I had a Kenwood system some twenty-years ago and that had an led pointer in the motorised dial.

Chris' comment re the matching CD player is valid, so when you've got the cash try one out.

I am more than satisfied with the integrated phono stage on the amp, though if you intend to go the MC route with your turntable purchase then you will need to purchase an MC phono stage.

Marantz owners always seem to be such a contented bunch, need I say more *biggrin*
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Jul 20, 2012
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I wonder if being contented makes us buy Marantz or buying Marantz makes us contented?


emperor's new clothes

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May 28, 2013
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Covenanter said:
I wonder if being contented makes us buy Marantz or buying Marantz makes us contented?


Not sure which, but very content with the combo. They replaced my 20 year old Meridian kit and look forward to another 20 years with luck. Agree, the Sa8005 worth the extra vs the 6005 and a bargain at £580.


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Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)


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gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)
so you like it then ? A lot Different then the marantz pm6005 !


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Blacksabbath25 said:
gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)
so you like it then ? A lot Different then the marantz pm6005 !

Not alot different then the PM6005, just better, it sounds much better, better control,more power,more clear,open sound without soundig to bright,more tight,controlled less boomy bass

Not shure about the 2 weeks burn in periode since you might have to compare it with a new amp to here the difference and not just a better bass,midrange or top


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gasolin said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)
so you like it then ? A lot Different then the marantz pm6005 !

Not alot different then the PM6005, just better, it sounds much better, better control,more power,more clear,open sound without soundig to bright,more tight,controlled less boomy bass

Not shure about the 2 weeks burn in periode since you might have to compare it with a new amp to here the difference and not just a better bass,midrange or top
the difference I found moving from the 6005 to the 8005 was the bass was deeper and better controlled but then I am using floorstanding speakers were your using book shelf speakers


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Blacksabbath25 said:
gasolin said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)
so you like it then ? A lot Different then the marantz pm6005 !

Not alot different then the PM6005, just better, it sounds much better, better control,more power,more clear,open sound without soundig to bright,more tight,controlled less boomy bass

Not shure about the 2 weeks burn in periode since you might have to compare it with a new amp to here the difference and not just a better bass,midrange or top
the difference I found moving from the 6005 to the 8005 was the bass was deeper and better controlled but then I am using floorstanding speakers were your using book shelf speakers

It's also a bigger amp that's why the bass sounds better *music2*


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Feb 22, 2010
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gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)

Hope you enjoy it and don't get the urge to upgrade too soon. For me, the PM8005 is where Marantz's budget range really starts to shine.


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ID. said:
gasolin said:
Got my PM8005 today and it replaces the small PM5005 i tried for 2 weeks where i was feeling,thinking it's very good (but not as good as my speakers) how would my dynaudios sound with a bigger amp, not just the new 6006 or 7005, the PM8005 just before the high end models starts

1 inch taller them my CD5005 and the PM5005, it's big, black and beautiful amp cleaner, more controlled sound with a less boomy bass

First impression, the top was a little bright, after 1 hour it didn't seem bright, tighter,firmer volumeknob and the source selector much more clicky feel, just feels looks and sounds like a very exclusive amp

Dynaudio Emit M10 almost the same size and spec as the pmc db1's mentioned earlier, sounds very neutral where the amp makes shure the sound is as good as it gets

I payed 685£, 5999 of my currency which is 1/3 of retail price (8999)

Hope you enjoy it and don't get the urge to upgrade too soon. For me, the PM8005 is where Marantz's budget range really starts to shine.

It's the amp just before high end starts


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Mar 16, 2011
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Covenanter said:
I would say to the OP that he should try the SA8005 as well. I think it is materially better than the CD6005.


I have both SA8005 and CD6005 and the SA is light years ahead in quality.


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Mar 16, 2011
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philpot1001 said:

Blacksabbath mentioned he thought the sound changed after 2 weeks, i have to say i was sceptical. However straight out of the box i was "slightly" underwhelmed, dont get me wrong, it did everything i would expect of an amp, however i was still getting the recessed problem i thought as its got a mid tone control....Anyhoo, after a week or so of running it in, the midrange seemed to really come through, to the point where i no longer have any issues with it! So def run the baby in for a week or so.

Exactly my experience with Marantz amps. I have owned PM6005 and PM4001. Both sounded rather "dull" straight out of the box. Took about week for them to sound good.


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Aug 5, 2021
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TVs and amps along with source components are manufactured to meet specifications. If the sound changes does that mean the specification has been breached? Electrical components are very stable within value tolerances so I am curious in knowing what causes the change in sound.


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