I have not heard the Marantz PM7000N so can't comment on how it sounds, but it's Marantz so it is most likely to sound great. I have heard the PM6007 it is an excellent amp, probably best in class. It punches above it's weight at £500 making it excellent value at the lower price it is at.
What HiFi used the PM6007 when reviewing your speakers and declared them a great match, but did say the speakers are easy to drive and work with most amps.
The cost of streamers (and DACs) is coming down. If you have a network amp you are stuck with all the technology in one box. If separate it is easier and cheaper if you wish to upgrade one of the elements in time. The two options aren't right and wrong, it's just personal choice.
As for how you connect the amp and CD, I would second the point made by
@Revolutions they will probably sound the same or similar, but you can experiment with both and see what you like.