Marantz PM6002 or PM7001?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Everyone. I am in the process of buying my first system and I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might give me. Basically, I will be buying the MArantz CD6002 and either the PM6002 or PM7001 amp. I know the 6002 received the product of the year at the latest WHF awards but really, is it that much better than the 7001? The price difference between the two is about $250. I am still deciding on which speakers to run and am tossing up between the MA RS6 (silver) and the Rega R5.

Interconnects are Rhapsody S.

Speaker cable is Nordost Blue Heaven.

Been a long time since i last posted on here!


Both very good amps but IMO; they wont suit the M/A RS6 speakers.

I find that the Marantz sound doesnt marry well with the RS6 speakers (very tinny and the amps lack the punch that the RS6's thrive on).

What musyc do you listen to?
The 7001 is a better amp yes, and to my mind suits the RS6 better than the 6002, but still may not be ideal - as Dan says, may depend on music choice. Audition both and see which you prefer.

Hi Everyone. I am in the process of buying my first system and I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might give me. Basically, I will be buying the MArantz CD6002 and either the PM6002 or PM7001 amp. I know the 6002 received the product of the year at the latest WHF awards but really, is it that much better than the 7001? The price difference between the two is about $250. I am still deciding on which speakers to run and am tossing up between the MA RS6 (silver) and the Rega R5.

Interconnects are Rhapsody S.

Speaker cable is Nordost Bluenote.

If you can afford it, in my opinion, no amp matches the RS6 better than Creek Evo for under £500. There are deals to be had - have a look on ebay as well. It's surprsingly powerful (because it looks very refined and elegant) and offers excellent tight bass, great vocals and overall lovely sound.

I've just seen one on audiophile candy for £330 (ex demo)!!
Thanks for the feedback. Would love to take advantage of the pricing you get in the UK but, I live in New Zealand. Everything is so damned expensive here because of our weak dollar and the high cost of international freight to ship gear all the way down.

I listen to a wide variety of music. I listen primarliy to Blues, Jazz, Country, and artists such as Norah Jones, Jimmy Buffett, Eva Cassidy, Jim Croce, James Taylor, Jack Johnson, CArlos Santana, etc. You will NEVER catch me listening to pop, rap, metal or choral.
See if you can find a copper core cable (DNM Reson or Nordost Blue Heaven - now reduced) to hook up in preference to silver strand. Likewise, muck around with speaker cable (or try one of each type) and see what you think. Tried the Nordost with my SA7001 KI going in to the 6010-KI amp and it was like night and day.
Thank you all for the feedback.

I made my decision today. I bought the Marantz CD6002, PM6002 amp and the Rega R5 speakers. Also bought the Nordost Solar Wind speaker cable (half price) and Rhapsody S interconnects.
Could you drop a note on what you think of the amp. I am interested in Marantz equipment and am happy with my CD6002 and PM7200 in my now second system. It would be interesting to hear your impressions of this combo.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new kit.


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