Marantz MC-R510


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Wondering about the Marantz MC-R510 as a replacement for my Yamaha RX-V667 as the missus 'needs' a new TV unit without space for the monolithic AV amp. I also going to swop 5.1 out for a 2.1 as my speakers are all piled up together anyway .
I just thought someone might have some experiences to share before I arrange some time at Richer Sounds . Dont want to waste my time.
Speakers I'm replacing are BA xs 5.1 , new ones are Dali Zensor 1 with a small sub if needed later ( maybe BK ) .
I do listen to music on this system quite a lot as my hi-fi is currently scattered around awaiting another home (spare room ) .
From what I've read here and elsewhere it's basically a 610 without the CD player, one-less line-in, no line-out and no bi-amping option (which some people here have used and found to be counter-productive). If you don't intend to play CDs and don't need the line-out then you probably can't go wrong with it.

EDIT: Just googled for pictures of the back panel, and as well as the above it also seems to be missing an FM/DAB aerial socket, so I assume it doesn't have terrestrial radio. There is on the 610. That's a strange ommission which IMO will needlessly deter at least some buyers for no output-cost saving, cos presumably the 510 and 610 share basically the same chips.
Differences between 510 and 610 are


No DAB, no FM

One pair speaker outlets instead of two

One pair of RCA analog in instead of two

No audio out

The amp stages appear to be identical.
Yep it doesn't have a CD player dab radio but it does have an optical in and an audio in aswell as having a sub out, so it would make for a very nice 2.1 system.

I've heard the 610 with the new monitor audio silver 2s and they handled the speakers with ease, good volume range depth clarity and warmth is how i would describe it and with the 510 being essentially the same thing bar a few features i think that you couldn't go wrong.
Thanks Guys. Good info . I have gotta get myself down to Richer Sounds to listen. I will also have a listen to the Marantz NR1504 to see how the music is with it .

I suspect the 1504 will not be so good as it is similar price but has many more functions and so I doubt the quality is as good ( or even intended to be ! )

No rush as the new TV unit hasnt arrived yet .


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