Many problems Sony 46W4500

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Very Annoyed:techno:Very Annoyed:

Whether this TV is faulty or not, I really, really do believe that manufacturers and retailers, and indeed magazines like this one should emphasise the problems of watching LCD on SD. Because despite Sony's improvements with this set, I still don't think the SD is very good.

Now of course you can go and buy an HD box, and a blue ray player, (all at extra expense) but most people still watch SD most of the time. A lot of people who take the trouble to come on here get caught out, so gawd knows how many people who don't bother to do some basic research end up with a poor quality picture.


I think the thing is regarding sd on an lcd, the answer in my opinion is it CAN be good. Can being the operative word. Regarding the obviously faulty tv and complaints about sony's customer service from the op. Maybe someone who works for sony could talk about sony's policies regarding these kinds of issues. After all remember any of us could get a dodgy set.

I doubt Sony is any better or worse at customer help if you have a problem than any other major manufacturer. In any case, the guarantee is with the retailer, and that should be the place the purchaser goes for help. Quite frankly, a set this new, is not fit for purpose if it is faulty, and should be exchanged for another one.

Repair is therefore almost impossible. Sony can not restore the clouding problem. The shop should exchange. I have written a letter to the store about my problems. I await their reply. I will let know if they have given me an answer.
However strange that the shop asks for confirmation from Sony (that there is a fault). Sony refuses to give it to me.
After many months of reading various reviews and being very irritating in shops, I finally took the plune and bought a 40W4500. I'm with Virgin, using V+ service, and was moving up from a Sony 32" Trinitron of many years standing. When the local Sony Shop offered me the 40W4500 plus bluray plus stand for £1199 it seemed too good an offer to turn down. I was really concerned re SD, and frankly have no axed to grind re LCD or Plasma. Just not interested in the debate. Seemed to me like the old PC versus Mac thing. All I wanted was excellent performance across the range.

Got TV, plugged all in via HDMI, turned it on. Arial connected as well for when Virgin V+ gows down, which it does some times.

Wow. It exceeds my expectations in every way, and in my view totally justifies the review this beast got on this site. SD is superb through the Virgin V+, and in fact ain't bad at all indeed via the Freeview and aerial connection. The colour is vivid, hugely well detailed, if a bit bright (OK, so I can turn it down). Sound is much better than I'd expected.

I'd looked at Panasonics, Philips, and all the rest, but I'm very pleased indeed that I went for the Sony. In every respect I'm very pleased indeed and each time I turn it on I feel the "wow factor" come over me. Does the same for house visitors too. No regrets!
most LCD's get baclight bleed dont they? ive not seen many without it! mine doesnt bother me any more, although i think when i upgrade maybe in a year or so's time ill get a pany plasma
I have sky HD, and a PS3 connected via a sony amp using HDMI, my biggest problem is that the background picture is very blurry, and screen seems cloudy...not good!

Seeing as this set is almost a much money as the superb Pioneer 5090 I think I know where I would spend my money!
hifi_nut:Expensive kit, cheap HDMI's.

From my experience of having wasted £150 on 2 premium HDMI's there is no difference at all when compared to the cheap ones they replaced (they do look nicer though)

Unless using long runs of cable, any HDMI will do as good a job as another in my opinion.
Oy of Mid World:
hifi_nut:Expensive kit, cheap HDMI's.

From my experience of having wasted £150 on 2 premium HDMI's there is no difference at all when compared to the cheap ones they replaced (they do look nicer though)

Unless using long runs of cable, any HDMI will do as good a job as another in my opinion.

Well I've never spent more than £35 on an HDMI and that includes a 10m run to my PJ. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the picture and I'm certain spending £100+ on an HDMI would not make it better. Far more productive to stop worrying and spend the dough on some blu's.

Anyway don't let this turn into another HDMI argument, there's been enough on here.

Back to the Sony LCD thread.

I agree, dont think spending any amount of money on a lead will make a blind bit of difference! the fact is that this set is not as good as the review says it is and i am gutted for trusting it and spending £1300 on a TV when a £600/700 set would have had the same picture...

A shame because this is a great site and a great magazine!

Maybe it is something to do with peoples eye sight. I have just had an eye test, and it was fine, and I don't wear glasses. However I just can't stand looking at LCD Tvs on SD. I have yet to see a decent picture on one. It is the motion blur that gets me most. Perhaps it is just me.
I agree, dont think spending any amount of money on a lead will make a blind bit of difference! the fact is that this set is not as good as the review says it is and i am gutted for trusting it and spending £1300 on a TV when a £600/700 set would have had the same picture...

A shame because this is a great site and a great magazine!


But our (two) Sony KDL-46W4500 sets did not have the clouding you (or the OP) describe - you have a faulty set; have it exchanged!
Clare Newsome:mesha:
I agree, dont think spending any amount of money on a lead will make a blind bit of difference! the fact is that this set is not as good as the review says it is and i am gutted for trusting it and spending £1300 on a TV when a £600/700 set would have had the same picture...

A shame because this is a great site and a great magazine!


But our (two) Sony KDL-46W4500 sets did not have the clouding you (or the OP) describe - you have a faulty set; have it exchanged!

Maybe What hifi got lucky with their sets - either way it should be published and in my opinion Sony should issue a statement saying what they will do about it, much like when they had exploding battery (I do understand the clouding issue/backlight bleed isn't a health hazard). If Sony think if you get a TV like this and its not an issue they should also issue a statement so people don't buy it thinking they can take it back. Have What hifi contacted Sony about this?
Yes, we're in contact with Sony, but that's never a quick and easy process - we'll keep you updated.

EDIT - Sony promising to get back with an answer ASAP. We've asked if there's a problem with a particular batch (and if so, how can the potential buyer identify these) and what Sony intends to do about the issue.
Ok no probs. I can only assume something wrong was said.

Can i mention that many other reputable sites/people have been complaining about the issues surrounding the 46" W4500 unit?

Yes, you can - and we're well aware of them (we don't operate in a bubble!)

All I can reiterate is that we had two samples of the KDL46W4500 in, and neither had clouding (obviously, or we wouldn't have raved about the set!).

We're obviously concerned that some buyers are having problems with this set, and have asked Sony - as mentioned above - for an explanation.

Those of you who've been on this Forums a year or so will remember there was a similar issue with some Panasonic LCDs last year/early this year - in that instance, it was a faulty batch that was to blame, and the issue died down once replacement TVs were in the market.

Again, we'll update you with any feedback from Sony - who are notoriously difficult to get hold of.
hey clare

I can appreciate the samples you had didnt have these problems *how can you write about problems that weren't there*.

Anyways i was Going to pick up this set in a few weeks although i was kind of put off the 46" as it seems more apparent on that size screen. Anyways i hope you find a solution with sony *or at least how to identify the bad batch if that is indeed the case* and shall check back soon 🙂

Thanks for your time helping us all out.
Clare Newsome:
Again, we'll update you with any feedback from Sony - who are notoriously difficult to get hold of.

Maybe worth prodding them by reminding them we are hitting recession, therefore people are less likely to want to shell out for a "premium" product if it has issues and the company that produces them doen't have time to manage consumers expectations through a respected publication.
Oh, don't worry, I will! No surprises Sony being less-than forthcoming, however - it's a massive organisation, and getting answers is notoriously hard. But we'll persist - team is currently pursuing an array of contacts in search for an answer.
Well this thread has cetainly put me off buying one, i think i am going for the panasonic now, would love the pioneer but aint got the dough. Would like to see what Sony do have to say about the issues?

It seems quite a widespread problem and I'm not willing to take a 1200 quid gamble!!

And to think, I thought I'd finally made my mind up!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!
Will be interesting to see how Sony respond and good to see you guys getting involved.


I'd previously made the decision to go for the 46W4500 based on the What Hi-Fi review and subsequent award but will be looking elsewhere now until Sony address this issue which is clearly widespread.ÿ

Send the set back. If you have any problems with Sony or the retailer refusing to replace it, contact trading standards. They will tell you that if you are not satisfied with the product & it is not "fit for it's purpose" then you have a legal right to a replacement or refund. I would contact trading standards for verification but it is something along those lines. Make sure that they start your 12 month manufactures warranty from the time you recieve your replacement set.


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