Manchester 2010 best experiences?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
For me, the Chord Co. demo on interconnects and digital cables was great. Didin't think their new Sarum interconnect was worth the price increase of Indigo plus, but the Sarum digital will freak you out as to how good it is. Plus - they let me use their loo!
As I've said elsewhere the best brands that stood out for me were Arcam, Focal, Vienna Acoustics, Cyrus, KEF, Quad, Dali, and Denon (their DCD1510AE with the AD-H5000 headphones sounded superb).

Very disappointed with Naim, PMC, ProAc, and Monitor Audio.
matthewpiano:As I've said elsewhere the best brands that stood out for me were Arcam, Focal, Vienna Acoustics, Cyrus, KEF, Quad, Dali, and Denon (their DCD1510AE with the AD-H5000 headphones sounded superb).

Very disappointed with Naim, PMC, ProAc, and Monitor Audio.

Just goes to show how we see things differently. I thought those PMC standmounts (TB2i's) looked the dogs doo daas, although the large floorstanders (FB1i's) were actually playing.

Had a nice chat with the guy in the Spendor room. Should I ever move onto floorstanders I reckon those A5's will be the ones for me.

As I've mentioned on another thread the 3D TV's were bloody awful, though the JVC 3D projector demo was pretty cool.

For me, the most enjoyable sound at the show was the Rega room. Not perhaps the "best" sound, but certainly fun.

The Marantz Pearl Lites sounded excellent through some M.S speakers.

Another highlight was the Hi-Fi+ room. They were playing music off a laptop into a Devialet D amp, and then into some tiny speakers, made by a guitar builder (I forget the name!), and it sounded fantastic. I am no fan of The Gorrilaz, but the track they played through this system made me appreciate why others do like them, and the bass was awesome; I was wondering what sub they were using. There was no sub!

I tried 3D TV on the Samsung stand, and it was OK, but a bit annoying after a few minutes.

mickeyjoef:Another highlight was the Hi-Fi+ room. They were playing music off a laptop into a Devialet D amp, and then into some tiny speakers, made by a guitar builder (I forget the name!)

Magico Mini IIs? ($30,000 bookshelf speakers)

(Magicos more likely.)
It was neither of them, Chebby, but they looked similar to the Onkyo's.

I'll have a look through my back issues, and see if I can find them.

For me it was both the Arcam Muso and the Kef T series speakers. Both had great sound out of small boxes.
I also enjoyed the PMC's, and it was good talking to John from Arcam he his is so enthusiatic and passionate about their range of product. The new arcam bluray really performs sonically, very tempting. It was a shame teh Denon 2011UD is not out yet, as I was hoping to compare to the arcam.

I found the cyrus set up really too clinical and tiring to listen too.

For me the star of the show was the Wilson Benesch set up showcasing their turntable, Torus sub and trinity speakers. Which to me had the best sound of the show. However I stopped asking the price after I found out how much the sub was - a touch out of my price range.

It was also good to have a quick chat with Tom and Clare on the What HIFI stand. Although in future I will decline the offer to drive Gran Turismo in 3D - or at least have them switch off the magnetic barrier mode.
Best sounding speakers were the floorstanding PMC's, in my opinion....

Extremely surprised with the Castle Knight 2's......what a speaker for £299 (at the show)!!!

New KEF Q speakers were quite good too......more the floorstanders than the Q300, in my opinion.

REL demo was enjoyable.....missed the KEF T range demo....

3D Panasonic demo was excellent too......they used Avatar....
Like Def Lugs, I paid a visit to the WHF stand. It was nice to see the the award winners, and the WHF bag for life proved to be a godsend when I reached the Diverse Vinyl stand... gotta have a good bag for those LPs.

mickeyjoef:Another highlight was the Hi-Fi+ room. They were playing music off a laptop into a Devialet D amp, and then into some tiny speakers, made by a guitar builder (I forget the name!)

Magico Mini IIs? ($30,000 bookshelf speakers)

(Magicos more likely.)

After browsing around on the net, I reckon they were the Onkyos, after all. Whatever they were, they sounded fantastic.

mickeyjoef:Another highlight was the Hi-Fi+ room. They were playing music off a laptop into a Devialet D amp, and then into some tiny speakers, made by a guitar builder (I forget the name!), and it sounded fantastic.

I asked him about them. they were Kiso - and £10,000! (but my GOD, did they sound fantastic)

mickeyjoef:Another highlight was the Hi-Fi+ room. They were playing music off a laptop into a Devialet D amp, and then into some tiny speakers, made by a guitar builder (I forget the name!), and it sounded fantastic.

I asked him about them. they were Kiso - and £10,000! (but my GOD, did they sound fantastic)

Thanks Seventh. It's been bugging me what they were!

I did not know the price at the time, but I still reckon they sounded fantastic.



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