Mains leads and Power block?

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Aug 27, 2008
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idc:aliEnRIK, I read you posts about 16 core braided cable and I am convinced. But for me with my ipod only set up there is no place for traditional power cables any more, as the headphone amp and Sounddock both need PSUs. A conditioner has the advantage of being able to work on the whole system. Any of you know about upgrades to the PSU, especially the 'Little Pinky' for the Xcan?

I seem to recall Russ Andrews selling PSUs

Check is site and see what you can find (Dont expect it to be cheap though)


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Dec 4, 2007
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Hey guys,

Found a Tacima CS929 6 Way Mains Conditioner quite cheap are these any good? I was going to get theQed Qonduit Mains Distribution Hub but if the Tacima is good or similar in quality then i shall just get that. Also found some cheap RS Yellow leads.

Recently swapped my Tacima for a 4way QED Qonduit hub and it is defintely superior. I thought the Tacima had robbed some of the dynamics but now it sounds right.


Hi Drummerdave,

Thanks for that, thats all i needed to hear the QED it is!


Hey all that have help me out!

Bought the QED Qonduit Mains Distribution Hub yesterday at about 15:00 and it arrived today at about 7:00 made up with the service from them and after cleaning all my leads around and making it all neat and tidy i have plugged it in (still using the factory power leads that came with Amp and CD for now until RS or Clear Audio ones arrive) left it running for a couple of hours and i can honesty say there was a tad of noise to the track at the start when no music was playing, but now it has a much more defined punch to it. That includes bass and top end its an good all round improvement. Just need some actual power leads now!

I have been bidding on some RS Yellow power leads on eBay (after hearing it through around quite a bit) but the price is slowly rising, would it be better to pay about £40 odd for these 2 leads or just buy 2 Clear Audio Copper-line Alpha cables?




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Nick, I would go for the Clearer Audio option, I was not that impressed with my Yello mains cableconnected to an Arcam Alpha 7 or the CD62, the smallest difference upgrade I have ever bought. It made no difference at all when connected to my Rega Mira amp.

AliEnRIK, the RA PSU is £90, does not include a cable, 28 days delivery and you need to check first if your kit will work with it, so the search goes on. Thanks anyway!


Cheers idc

Slightly more than what i was looking to spend (on two power leads haha) but i hope and guess it shall all be worth it!

Fingers crossed i get out bided on this last RS Yellow Lead.


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Aug 27, 2008
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AliEnRIK, the RA PSU is £90, does not include a cable, 28 days delivery and you need to check first if your kit will work with it, so the search goes on. Thanks anyway!

Sorry about that. I just remember seeing one, but didnt take much notice as ive no interest in them


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May 28, 2008
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Cheers idc

Slightly more than what i was looking to spend (on two power leads haha) but i hope and guess it shall all be worth it!

Fingers crossed i get out bided on this last RS Yellow Lead.


The Yello's were only £30 - £35 when RA sold them I bought mine for £15 when he was discontinuing them...


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I have had a trawl through the RA site and not only do many things appear more expensive than when I originally bought stuff (by large margins, way over inflation from the past few years), but with no more Yello and Blu products, there is no entry level anymore.

After saying that, my last purchase at the new year, the GQ-24 interconnect (starting at £26, mine with phonos was £40 in the sale) still seems a good price for a pretty unique product.


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May 28, 2008
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I have had a trawl through the RA site and not only do many things appear more expensive than when I originally bought stuff (by large margins, way over inflation from the past few years), but with no more Yello and Blu products, there is no entry level anymore.

After saying that, my last purchase at the new year, the GQ-24 interconnect (starting at £26, mine with phonos was £40 in the sale) still seems a good price for a pretty unique product.

idc - The PowermaxPlus @ £43.95 is entry level replacement for Yello and has been for 3 years (Bought my 4 x Yello's June 2006 £14.97 each) 1/2 price just prior to discontinuation.


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Kena, dug out my 2008-2009 brochure, so it is till current and compared prices with those shown on the internet. The 1 metre Powermax Plus was £35.95, now £43.95. Other examples are the Silencer, in the brochure £39.95, now £49.95, Tonik interconnect 0.5m, brochure £52, now £64, even the mini cone feet have gone up £2. That is way over inflation.


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May 28, 2008
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Yes the recent rises (January current economic climate etc. - presume Kimber USA have ramped up the cost of their cable) has make me think twice tho to be honest the thing that has put me off the most is virtually everything is out of stock and on a will be shipped within 21 days basis.


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When I ordered my last cable in January I was told that they are snowed under and cannot keep up with demand. If banging up prices (and it is everything, so importing costs can only be part of the reason) is a way of surpressing demand then so be it. But I for one will wait to see what happens in the sales and maybe start to shop elsewhere. It is a shame as I have always had good dealings with them.


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May 28, 2008
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Agreed have been a customer for many years , actually my Naim gear / speakers were bought in his shop in Edinburgh tho he wasn't around at the time (Shop now closed). Currently working out final location of new LG cinema DVD/Receiver which I think will need couple of new/longer leads and RA will not be in the running with such a lead time.


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Oct 20, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I think the pressures on many companies that import a lot can be considerable. No doubt importing from the US (and most other countries) is very costly at the moment because the exchange rate is so poor. At a time when businesses need to be keeping their price increases on hold many are finding that they cannot help but have to do so.

Since we have been in business since 2005 we have not put our prices up once. This does not mean that our costs have not gone up because they have. However we try to source as much as possible from the UK which helps with price stability. We also always try to find ways of minimising our costs (without sacrificing key areas of product design, quality and service) to ensure that we remain competitive over the long-term. Admittedly we do have a fairly rigid price structure in that when a product is launched its price remains very stable. I think that this works well however because customers know where they stand.

It has been interesting to read your comments. I hope that my contribution as a manufacturer might also be interesting to you.

All the best,


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Thanks Darren for the post. I know that in these dire economic times there will be problems, but for pretty much everyone. One economic 'truth' that I have not seen any disagreement on, is that consumer spending is required or else we are all in even more trouble. RA's prices have gone up across the board, not just the imported stuff, and not just by a few percent, lots. And only half way through a period where they had published prices in their 2008-9 catalogue. I know that there will a small print rider somewhere in the catalogue that allows this, but that is not the issue I am raising.

The bottom line is that it is a businesses duty to make money for it's owners/shareholders and mine as a consumer to get the best deal possible. I have and will continue to recommended RA products on this forum, but I am also going to flag up their significant price rises. There is a specific part of the forum for deals. The next time RA have a sale I will put a post there and mention it in other posts, I want to be fair!


I'm very late to this show, but would greatly appreciate any input pertaining to the following combination i'm looking to buy.


Would a

QED Qonduit MDH6 Mains Distribution Hub - 6 way be sufficient to handle good quality picture and sound, as also using one socket for my Laptop?

Thought i'll post here, as oppose to creating another post!!!

Would be nice to know.

Thank-you, Please.


Thanks Kena,


Would you happen to highly recommend a 'Power Lead' for Sony PlayStation3 if you don't mind please?
Hi darkealx

I will suggest in the first instance plugging all of your components directly into wall sockets. If you do require an extension block then Wilkinsons Stores ones are superb and only cost a few £.

Btw, the mains leads supplied with your components will also give optimum results.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft



Hi Rick, i don't really know what to make of your post??? Wilkinson Store, is that a wind-up?? I aren't that cheap buddy!

Seriously looking for optimum performance from 'best' main extension block, as also power leads.



Is anybody able to kindly tell me what is a good quality mains cable to use on a PS3 please????


I don't know who you are, as also what you're getting out of this useless post of yours!!

But please refrain from responding to my posts, to which are pointless and not informative in whatever manner.


You are deranged!!!!

If you feel that you're unable to give a more through detailed response, then get a life!!!!