I don't think anyone here doubts your own personal preferences or expertise, but to continually bang-on that your particular solution to this particular area of hi-fi and AV will prove a panacea for everyone else too is in my opinion beyond reasonableness. Obviously there will be some who agree with your approach and similarly many whose own views, preferences, and equally valid experiences have delivered different results.
If you read another recent thread you'll see that with my own hi-fi I personally adopt an ever simpler, more direct mains approach than you - everything is hard-wired directly into the mains supply with no filtering or specialist mains cables at all - I even saved myself £4 by not using a Wilkinsons extension block! So on that score, I'm fundamentally agreeing with your 'keep it simple' approach.
On the other hand, my modest AV set-up does to me measurably (audibly, visually, and with proper electrical test gear) benefit from some filtering and 'specialist' mains cables - and both these systems are physically in the same room. So how does that figure?
As an electrician, I'd suggest that mains issues are neither predictable nor consistent - as my work amply demonstrates daily, there's variability across the country, across streets, and even within the confines of one room in my own home!
It stands to reason then that everyone will experience different results with different mains products (both cables and filters/conditioners/blocks), with different locations, different equipment, and most importantly, different ideas, hearing, and preferences.wireman, no disrespect, but if Rick is banging on, so are you and the others. There'll be many who will agree with him and many who will agree with you, so why not agree to differ and leave it there?
From my relatively recent reading of this and other forums I have to say there seems to be more words wasted on power cables and mains conditioners, and more bad blood. It isn't worth it. To me its simple. If you hear a difference, fine, if you don't, fine, if you can't be bothered testing (as I suspect is the case with the majority) fine.