An innocent question is asked by darkdealx: "Is anybody able to kindly tell me what is a good quality mains cable to use on a PS3 please????"
Dealer Audio Affair replies: "...there really isn't any substitute for borrowing some cables and giving them a try first - the benefits can vary considerably..."
Dealer Frank Harvey Hi-Fi suggests: "...until you try a specific power cable, with a specific product, in your home, it's impossible to know whether it makes a difference..."
And Dealer Musicraft simply states: "The ideal mains cable to use with the PS3 is the one supplied.", and "the mains leads supplied with your components will also give optimum results."
Notice the difference? Musicrafts response isn't "you might like to try" or "in my experience I've found that this works well for me", it's simply stated as fact to the exclusion of other possibilites, and it prompted a fairly vigorous retort from darkdealx (far more offensive than anything I may have said).
All I'm asking for is a little bit of balance... and a response regarding AliEnRIK's early question to Rick which was "May I ask which cables you've tried?". I'd really, genuinely, seriously be interested too. I might learn something.
Hi wireman
I get the feeling I'm getting sucked into the stirring, but I guess I have to do something to pass the time
to answer your Q, I'm not sure I do notice the difference in the answers given, other than semantically. If Rick had added the apparently obligatory 'IMO' or 'IME' you would have an answer couched in the same terms, albeit a decisive view, rather than an indecisive one. I think most people would understand without the acronyms that any posts by Rick are on the basis of his experience, and are his opinions rather than scientific fact.
On the other hand, at least Rick has a clear and defined view. He also backs it with evidence - in his shop, he notices no difference. Customers of his and other forum users in many different parts of the country have similar experiences. Take into account that I'm an agnostic in the debate and do have a number of mains products myself. Clearly there are 2 sides to the debate - I've been told an account of a mains lead distributor showing off their latest product, getting distracted, then proclaiming the quality of their product and the difference in SQ, whilst the product remained happily in the box.... On the other side, I've had certain products highly recommended to me by people I trust, who hear a genuine difference, and I can be willing to act on this recommendation.
The point is fairly made that Rick's opinion (based on his experience) means he has nothing to gain - therefore you can trust that as a genuinely held opinion (which you or I or anyone is free to ignore, at our own expense). Conversely, no dealer who stocks mains products, bass traps or anything you consider your personal snake oil is going to say they don't work. It makes it that much harder to assess the genuineness of the expressed opinion. (Again, no personal slights intended
As for AliEnRIK's question, I think bobbyg has probably hit on the right answer. Singling out particular products for implicit criticism is not going to improve the debate, especially when darkdealx has already gone a bit far in response to an innocuous comment. And how happy is AliEnRIK going to be if Rick says, 'Well amongst other things I've tested Atlas Titan and Ascent. Isotek Sigmas and I thought they added nothing / resulted in a loss of SQ'?