A problem I've had, and a solution I found (see link), which I thought might be useful for others:
I have iTUNES running on a dedicated Macbook Pro, music files are stores on a 2 TB hardisk connected via ethernet. Although the NAS disk is set as the address for the music library, iTUNES often loses the link and it goes back to a default address that is "music" on the Powerbook hard disk.
iTunes unneccessarily defaults to the media location /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media on the local HD. I don't know of any setting to change that behauvier. If your media is permanently located on a NAS, you could try to replace the default media folder by an alias of your media folder located on the NAS.
1) delete the folder /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media.
2) create an alias "iTunes Media" for your media folder located on the NAS.
3) move that alias to /home/some_user/music/iTunes.
Now when iTunes re-defaults to /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media, it will default to your media folder on the NAS
I have iTUNES running on a dedicated Macbook Pro, music files are stores on a 2 TB hardisk connected via ethernet. Although the NAS disk is set as the address for the music library, iTUNES often loses the link and it goes back to a default address that is "music" on the Powerbook hard disk.
iTunes unneccessarily defaults to the media location /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media on the local HD. I don't know of any setting to change that behauvier. If your media is permanently located on a NAS, you could try to replace the default media folder by an alias of your media folder located on the NAS.
1) delete the folder /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media.
2) create an alias "iTunes Media" for your media folder located on the NAS.
3) move that alias to /home/some_user/music/iTunes.
Now when iTunes re-defaults to /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media, it will default to your media folder on the NAS