Looking for a new box in 2014


Well-known member
May 7, 2010
Hi, I'm happy with my amplifier, speakers and CD player in my sig - however, i'm interested in the likes of the MCR510 or similar as I want to try out spotify , internet radio as sources or the use of HD format music player. I'm not looking for an amplifier built into the unit however as I don't really want to part with the Pioneer A30. Can anyone recommend a standard width box which has internet radio, spotify, DAB/FM (no amp) and standard RCA outs to connect to my amp? My idea box would also have a hard drive built in 1-2 TB of space so that I could save my ripped CDs to it and play.
I'm not sure such a box exists Blackdawn, unless your go without the DAB/FM and maybe consider a PS4?

Otherwise, why not audition an MCR610? I can understand your reticence to part with the Pioneer as it is a superb amp, but I've just changed from my A30 to one of these and I think you might be pleasantly surprised. Currently playing the first Eagles album and it sounds heavenly.
The only box I'll be buing is lot of red wine boxes!

... And a Dynaudio Excite X22 (central channel to my AV) :?

:doh: when will i stop spending money in my system... :?
Cypher said:
Maybe the Pioneer N-30 or Denon DNP-720AE ?

Actually the N-30 is a good shout if you want to stick with the A-30. It won't give you DAB or FM but will do the other things and, unlike the Denon, it will support gapless playback.
I'd be included to get a Roku 3 which I think offers internet radio as well as TV channels. The Tune in radio app is fantastic value for money too. Check at www.roku.com.

Edit - forget that. No hard drive. The Cocktail Audio X10 system is available with a 1TB hard drive onboard.
matthewpiano said:
I'm not sure such a box exists Blackdawn, unless your go without the DAB/FM and maybe consider a PS4?

Otherwise, why not audition an MCR610? I can understand your reticence to part with the Pioneer as it is a superb amp, but I've just changed from my A30 to one of these and I think you might be pleasantly surprised. Currently playing the first Eagles album and it sounds heavenly.

Thanks for the reply. I do like the look of the MCR610 or 510. I wonder if Marantz would do one without an amp (a little cheaper). Still not sure I want to go from seperates to all in one solution. Mainly because I already have a perfectly good system but would like a few more sources e.g internet . I really like the Eagles first album. Hope you enjoy the new Marantz.
the record spot said:
I'd be included to get a Roku 3 which I think offers internet radio as well as TV channels. The Tune in radio app is fantastic value for money too. Check at www.roku.com.

Edit - forget that. No hard drive. The Cocktail Audio X10 system is available with a 1TB hard drive onboard.

Thanks - will read up on those.
MakkaPakka said:
The Marantz MCR610 appears to have analogue outs so why not just use it with your current amp?

Not a bad idea - trouble is its quite expensive when you consider I already have an amp, cd player and radio so the only thing I need is the internet stuff and possiblity to connect hard drive via USB.
Blackdawn said:
Still not sure I want to go from seperates to all in one solution.

Think very carefully before you do this Blackdawn. You have a very good system there and when I heard the M-CR603 (I've had one for 2 weeks on trial) it was a dissapointment. The system you have now is much better.........I have the same amp as you and I know the Lektor 2 speakers very well.
Cypher said:
Blackdawn said:
Still not sure I want to go from seperates to all in one solution.

Think very carefully before you do this Blackdawn. You have a very good system there and when I heard the M-CR603 (I've had one for 2 weeks on trial) it was a dissapointment. The system you have now is much better.........I have the same amp as you and I know the Lektor 2 speakers very well.

Hmmmm. I'm not about to try and persuade Blackdawn to go for an MCR610 as he clearly wishes to keep his current system, which is very good.

However, I also have a Pioneer A30, have owned Lektor 2s, and currently use Zensor 3s and I disagree with you. The Marantz system is every bit as good as the A30 in my opinion. I'm not suggesting I am right and you are wrong at all, but only that your post suggests a big difference which I don't feel is there.
matthewpiano said:
but only that your post suggests a big difference which I don't feel is there.

But I do think there's a big difference......................

I'm not saying the MCR603 is bad in general but when you compare it with the A-30............no competition.

Just my opinion. Blackdawn can do with this advice whatever he wants 😉


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