Looking for a Leema Pulse I or II

I'm fancying giving one of these amps a try. But having trouble finding any. (Apart from the one on ebay).

Has anyone seen one ex-dem or 2nd hand in any of their interweb searches?

or is it only me that trawls the net looking for bargains??


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Sep 29, 2011
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bigfish786 said:
I'm fancying giving one of these amps a try. But having trouble finding any. (Apart from the one on ebay).

Has anyone seen one ex-dem or 2nd hand in any of their interweb searches?

or is it only me that trawls the net looking for bargains??

What do you consider to be a bargain? I actually have a Pulse II in silver owned from new which may be going spare but as per house rules you will have to ask one of the mods to pass on your details (assuming it's allowed)
bigfish786 said:
I'm fancying giving one of these amps a try. But having trouble finding any. (Apart from the one on ebay).

Has anyone seen one ex-dem or 2nd hand in any of their interweb searches?

or is it only me that trawls the net looking for bargains??

Caveat: Not with Focal speakers. I love Leema and Focal but not together.
unsleepable said:
plastic penguin said:
Caveat: Not with Focal speakers. I love Leema and Focal but not together.

Is it because they are both warm, maybe? Or for some other reason? Thanks.

Having heard Focal 807V with a Leema there was a discernible imbalance - neither are warm. The Leema is a fairly neutral machine, while the Focals mirror too many of the Leema traits. Sometimes too much of a certain sound can be a little overwhelming.


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Either amp will have more power.

This is important given that your Focal 826Vs dip to 2.6 Ohms at such a low frequency (just over 100Hz) where there tends to be a lot of energy in most kinds of music ...


.... so long as the Leema can comfortably double it's power* at 4 Ohms (between 100 and 400 Hz) and a bit more for that 2.6 Ohm dip, then all should be well.

* At your normal listening levels.


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plastic penguin said:
Having heard Focal 807V with a Leema there was a discernible imbalance ...

The OP doesn't use those speakers. He uses floorstanders with twin woofers and a seperate midrange driver and (presumably) a far more complex crossover than the two-way, stand-mounted 807Vs.

The 807s don't have that nasty little impedance dip either ...


... they never go below 4 Ohms.


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plastic penguin said:
chebby said:
plastic penguin said:
Having heard Focal 807V with a Leema there was a discernible imbalance ...

The OP doesn't use those speakers. He uses floorstanders with twin woofers and a seperate midrange driver and...

I know - I was basing the 826s being same or similar tonal balance to the 807s.

I don't think it's always useful to 'extrapolate' an opinion of one kind of loudspkeaker from an experience with a completely different kind (even when they are from the same manufacturer).
I don't think the focals I have will have any problems with matching up with the leema amps They are very controlled with plenty of detail. Not bright or bass heavy. They are fantastic , I thought the leema would bring the best out of them.

Tino, if you were to advertise it on gumtree or similar, what price would you put on it?
chebby said:
plastic penguin said:
chebby said:
plastic penguin said:
Having heard Focal 807V with a Leema there was a discernible imbalance ...

The OP doesn't use those speakers. He uses floorstanders with twin woofers and a seperate midrange driver and...

I know - I was basing the 826s being same or similar tonal balance to the 807s.

I don't think it's always useful to 'extrapolate' an opinion of one kind of loudspkeaker from an experience with a completely different kind (even when they are from the same manufacturer).

A lot of companies do have a 'house sound', especially when they're in a similar price bracket. Certainly the 807s sounded very similar to the 714s.
bigfish786 said:
I don't think the focals I have will have any problems with matching up with the leema amps They are very controlled with plenty of detail. Not bright or bass heavy. They are fantastic , I thought the leema would bring the best out of them.

Tino, if you were to advertise it on gumtree or similar, what price would you put on it?

They generally sell for between £500-£650.
there's no particular reason, this little amp has punched above its weight all the time i have had it. i agree that it works well with the focal's.

the amp was the "best" i could afford at the time. i bought it ex-dem at better than half price. i've teamed it up with a p85 in the past and it did well. there is tons of detail. a vastly underrated little amp.

several months ago, i started to upgrade, firstly buying the Apollo CD player, which is possibly the best thing i've ever heard. replacing an arcam dv79 which had been on dual duties, then, i replaced my Mission M35i speakers, i'd had them from new, and sold them so i could buy the Focals. So the little arcam is the last part of my original setup to replace.

i'd had it around 7 or 8 years, so i just fancied a change. hopefully to something a bit better.


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bigfish786 said:
the one currently on ebay is £475, which isn't bad. i've seen a few sell for 350-400 on other sites too. i shall keep looking around. they're not exactly mainstream are they?

Too late now but I would have gone for about 400 and a bit. Very little use but it has a small scratch on the case side caused by a plug. Everything else perfect.


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bigfish786 said:
if you are in the uk and are serious about selling it, advertise it on gumtree so i can contact you via that website so as not to ruffle the forum feathers.

My thoughts too... best not upset the forum mods. Am based in UK, North West.


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