laptop music


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi i have just transfered all my cd onto my laptop . can anyone help and tell me whats the easyest and cheapest way to listen to my music , from my laptop to my nad amp.


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Jun 10, 2011
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In descending order of sound quality.

1. HDMI or spdif/optical to amp (if u have correct ports on laptop/amp)

2. Stream wired (if u amp has a dlna & ethernet connection and is connected to router) *

3. stream wirelessly if you have (dlna wireless enabled amp - or htc medialink/airport express etc) *

4. some sort of usb/wireless dac.

5. stereo out into a dac/amp

*2 music has to be in format supported by amp, or using a transcoding media server

*3 music has to be in format supported by amp, or medialink/airport express, or using a transcoding media server.


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Sep 4, 2008
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i have just bought an HRT musicstreamer II usb dac to take from lap top to NAD stereo amp. Big improvement to onboard decoding and very impressed so far. cost about £200 all-in when you include usb cable and interconenct. Using usb external hdd with alac files. Only use alac and itunes because can then use remote app on ipad.


I'll beg to differ with the 1st reply as it sounds like rehashed heresay.

HDMI, optical or coax(unlikely on a laptop), streaming (wired or wireless) all sound the same. The only downside to wireless I have found is if you get too far away, or try to do too much at once, and then "less quality" is basically drop-outs. If you are playing music only, then it's the same. I have A/B'd my squeezebox on wired/wireless and it's identical. I have been using it on wifi for a year or 2 now, and had zero dropouts in that time. Good enough for me.

But the best way?? well.

If all you have is a NAD amp, then the ONLY way is 3.5mm jack (headphone socket) to twin RCA unless the amp is one with a digtal "in" and assuming your laptop has digital out (usually a dual headphone/spdif socket)

You could do it lots of ways if you buy one of many DACs. I personally would recommend the Beresford range. USB, including good quality headphone amp at a very good price (I have 2!).


Hi very new to the HiFi/didgital thing, it all sounds very confusing to me. I have seen the squeeze box mentioned a lot am i right in thinking it just plugs into the phono plugs in the back of the amp.I think something simple would be best as my skills are very limited.


fmaclennan said:
Hi very new to the HiFi/didgital thing, it all sounds very confusing to me. I have seen the squeeze box mentioned a lot am i right in thinking it just plugs into the phono plugs in the back of the amp.I think something simple would be best as my skills are very limited.

A Squeezebox touch would do exactly that. You would load the Logitech media server software to your laptop, then the squeezebox will log onto your Wifi network (or via ethernet) and you can play anything on the laptop (or indeed internet radio/spotify (if you have premium) or connected via USB.

Definitely recommended, and can also be controlled via a phone application if you have a smartphone (Android/symbian/iPhone)


thanks looks like the squeeze box touch is for me. thanks every one..


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Feb 8, 2008
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The OP did ask for easiest and cheapest.

3.5mm jack to twin phono cable would be that, though not the best quality.

If your laptop has optical out, then try something like FiiO D3 DAC at around £30

There are other similar DACs around at that price.


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