Knowing when to stop....


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Nov 29, 2010
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I would appreciate some feedback on my dilema. My current system has a squeezebox touch feeding an audio gd dac, roksan power amp, creek passive pre and neat motive 2se. The dilema is whether to search for still better sound or just enjoy my present system which to my ears, is as good as i've ever known it and hang up my upgrade boots for the foreseable future? The squeezebox has tt3 software mods and a linear power supply.Has anyone done any serious comparisons with naim, cyrus, linn etc streamers and what did you find? The touch with dac and power supply cost just under £1k and sounds spot on to me but i've got no benchmark. Any thoughts?


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Jul 22, 2009
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Please stop right there!! You are happy with what you've got, it sounds fantastic so nothing further to discuss. Why look for problems when there are none. If you decide to go the upgrade route now, believe me it will be a never ending spiral from which you will never be able to extricate yourself. Just enjoy what you've got and listen to lots of music :)

the record spot

Pedro2 said:
...just enjoy my present system which to my ears, is as good as i've ever known it...

I think that just about covers it off. The hobby can be fun, but when it becomes almost an obsession then it takes away from the point of having the hardware in the first place - just listening to music, watching movies or whatever. Ultimately, it's unhealthy too.


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Give it a rest if you are enjoying your system. If you aren't careful upgrading and box swapping can become the hobby. Take some time out to enjoy the music. After all, that is what it is all about.

Since I bought the Onkyo and settled with the idea that I'm not going to change anything for the forseeable future I have been listening to music much more and actually listening properly so that I am enjoying the music rather than being critical of the equipment. I've been re-discovering a lot of recordings that I'd lost sight of and I'm no longer spending time working out how much I can get if I sell X and how much Y will cost.


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I agree MP, having just changed my amp and speakers, at a frankly enormous cost (I have had to divest myself of a full on tiem trial bike, and a Gibson SG to fund them) if I am really honest, the differences are tangible, and I will no doubt have years of pleasre from the system, it is a huge financla indulgence. I think I am already as far up the exponential quality curve as I want to be thank you, and would start to feel guilty/regretful at the inevitable sacrifices any further improvements would require. I have learnt with this upgrade that the improvements are really in the grand shceme of things pretty small. Time to kick back and just be immersed in the music.


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Jul 29, 2010
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I think the fact that you pose the question shows that you want to continue on the quest to higher sound quality. I really enjoy music but I also enjoy my hi-fi obsession.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
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Thanks for all the advice. I really should just sit back and listen to the music. It's strange really. Sort of depends on the mood I'm in. The equipment leaves my conscious awareness most of the time now which is good ...... usually on a Friday night after a couple of beers and a wind down from the weekly toil! At other times however, I'll become analytical and that's when the doubts drop in. As I stated, the music generally sounds pretty good at pres and I'm amazed at what a relatively cheap piece of kit (the sb touch) can produce (albeit feeding a pretty decent dac)


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