Knosti disco anti stat record cleaner


New member
Mar 22, 2009
On E-Bay at the moment this seller has several for £24 inc post, I have no link with this seller just thought is was a great Deal and have bought one myself.
Check her other items for sale that is the one I bought
Not sure why they listed each of them separately with bids at £20 and Buy it now at £20? Not too worried I have a Hopefully new Antistat for £20 and looks like it has all the accessories and Fluid.
Not that I have seen, but You could buy one take the fluid out and sell the rest on, they go for nearly £20 used without fluid.
Get down boots and buy some sterilised water and some isopropyl alcohol. Mix them four to one and add a drop of detergent (best is Ilfotol wetting agent from photographic supplier, but no-additive washing up liquid will do at a push).
Ive said in a previous thread, and actualy gave my mix, that i make my own jd. But the knosti fluid is brilliant in the antistat dept.
I will have to borrow a book from a friend at work, I had it a while back and it was a collection of articles on related to vinyl and TT's one of them related to cleaning solutions and had a section about chemicals that were used to combat static, if I get anything I will let you know.
Ideal, i will get my white coat and bunsen burner out of storage. Got to be worth a stab at it if the chems arnt too costly.
Thanks for the tip-off.

I have ordered one. There is one left!
Any idea what the anti static additive is in the Knosti fluid?

if you really want to know JD was close. Basically an antistatic agent usually consists of no more than a detergent capable of carrying and dissipating an electric charge, usually phosphate esters They work in two ways:- i) they attract moisture from the atmosphere and/or they conduct the charge away themselves. Never,Never use the likes of Fairy liquid they contain salt in order to thicken them. Note water/isopropanol is not a long term antistat, it functions as a cleaning agent with good surface wetting which means the disc will be cleaned and the charge discharged to the cleaning cloth.
I went and bought the last one today... and then e-mailed the seller to ask if they had any more

they had 9 left so I bought another 4... leaving 5.

Which she is listing tonight....

last chance people..... Blimey! 2 have sold already...
Any idea what the anti static additive is in the Knosti fluid?

if you really want to know JD was close. Basically an antistatic agent usually consists of no more than a detergent capable of carrying and dissipating an electric charge, usually phosphate esters They work in two ways:- i) they attract moisture from the atmosphere and/or they conduct the charge away themselves. Never,Never use the likes of Fairy liquid they contain salt in order to thicken them. Note water/isopropanol is not a long term antistat, it functions as a cleaning agent with good surface wetting which means the disc will be cleaned and the charge discharged to the cleaning cloth. if Fairy is a no-no, any ideas what would be a good one?
Mine arrived really quickly seems like a good seller, and a bargain price it is still on the side not used it yet, will have to have a serious session though have around 50 LP's to clean,
fatboyslimfast: if Fairy is a no-no, any ideas what would be a good one?

Some of that eco stuff,or anything without any nasties in it. And this wetting agent thats oft bandied around is just to break up the surface tension of the water,but beware cos some of it has vinyl eating chemicals in it.
pwiles1968:I will have to borrow a book from a friend at work, I had it a while back and it was a collection of articles on related to vinyl and TT's one of them related to cleaning solutions and had a section about chemicals that were used to combat static, if I get anything I will let you know.

Apparently What is required is a very small amount of "cationic surfactant" no brands were mentioned specifically but a search brings up some things on Wiki, also if you search for "cationic surfactant static record cleaner" brings up a couple of interesting items.

When I mentioned cationic surfactant to a friend at work he said - Dishwasher Rinse Aid.
I can barely believe how good this is! Having used a friend's loricraft, I obviously needed a device to help me into clean listening, but without the hefty price tag.

I must have got one of the last of that sellers £24 inc. postage jobbies. It's like gaining music, loads of old charity-shop jazz albums have gained a new lease of life, just from a quick spin!
Thanks to Paul for pointing this bargain out. One should be arriving on my doorstep next week. Cant wait. Its amazing how filthy and crackly some of these new 200gm pressings can be let allone charity shop bargains!
fatboyslimfast:Oooo... (rushes off to kitchen...)

I should have thought of that. It has less gunk in it than washing up liquid, and serves exactly the same purpose. I shall try it in my next batch - which will be soon as I just acquired 50 or so records that look like this:



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