- american with oodles of pedigree
- high quality TOTL custom made dual voice coil woofer and compression driver with proprietary horn design (from M2)
- not obscene in size (yet not small), fits on stands.
- actives with adjustable integrated room DSP
- pro gear that will not lose value like domestic hifi
- work in ANY SPACE brilliantly because of the M2 waveguide
- will go loud without compression more than your hearing can sustain permanent damage
Any other option that beats these?
- american with oodles of pedigree
- high quality TOTL custom made dual voice coil woofer and compression driver with proprietary horn design (from M2)
- not obscene in size (yet not small), fits on stands.
- actives with adjustable integrated room DSP
- pro gear that will not lose value like domestic hifi
- work in ANY SPACE brilliantly because of the M2 waveguide
- will go loud without compression more than your hearing can sustain permanent damage
Any other option that beats these?