JL pricematch for 37PX80. Any info?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all,

After months of uncertainty, I've finally took the advice of most people on this forum and decided on th 37PX80. Can anyone help me out with a possible JL pricematch? Has anyone got 1 recently? I live in Scotland and dont have any S&V's or Richer Sounds etc that I can check on so any help would be very much appreciated

Many thanks

Ravey Gravey Davy

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Apr 28, 2008
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You can try Sound and Vision at £572.44 but I believe Scotland JL are now doing local only price matches See here

Either find somebody cheaper locally or get a mate from further south to get it for you against the price match and have a weekend away to collect..If you do end up wanting to do that let me know and I'll measure the box for you to see if it fits in the car.(got mine 3 weeks ago and well worth it.



Cheers for the quick reply mate. I dont know much about the JL pricematch policy. I knew I would have to use an English store but I thought I would be able to order it over the phone and get it delivered. Is that possible?

Ravey Gravey Davy

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Apr 28, 2008
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I doubt very much if they will deliver to Scotland but you might be able to get it price matched to Sound and Vision to eg the Manchester store and collect yourself,but then you have a lot of petrol money to spend.I'll have a look later if I can see anybody more local.Wherabouts in Scotland are you?


Just outside Glasgow. Thanks again for your help. Its much appreciated


Davy, I've just found out I have a Richer Sounds in Glasgow, I've been in touch and can get the TV for £626 with 5 year warranty. Think its worth it? Also those measurments would be ideal if you could get them, as im not sure if it will fit in my poor wee fiesta


Have you tried Dixons on line?

The last time I checked they were about £575. And they will deliver in Scotland.


Yeah, I seen that, Im quite keen on the 5 yr warranty though. Thanks for the help though.

As a side note, I will only be sittin 2m from this set, I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has this set if they think that is too close for SD broadcasts

Ravey Gravey Davy

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Apr 28, 2008
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I do not see too many independants in Scotland with websites to view prices just the usual Dixons and Currys. The best I can see is Richer Sounds in Glasgow- see here -

They do it for £629.90 with 5 yr warranty.It is a bit over the odds from what other people are paying at the moment further South but at least it is better than the £750 + from theDixons and Currys.You should try price matching Richer Sounds with JL,but you need to phone Richer Sounds and ensure they have it on display and in stock otherwse JL will not price match.You can do that over the phone with JL and even reserve one,with no obligation to buy and then ask for a price match at the same time.Reserving one gives it the edge on getting a reply because they are keen to sell.

Getting it for £570 is no good if you have to go on a 300 mile round trip and it is a bloody good telly.(even the wife was impressed)

You might also appeal to other Scot dwellers on this forum who have been through the same process.(Scotsgirl ,where are you)

Good luck.

Ravey Gravey Davy

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2008
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Tried to edit my post after seeing you had already posted another but it did not come through.(Note for web team)

Still try price matching with JL with the Richer Sounds price (which is still a good second string)Just make sure RS are displaying the set and have it in stock otherwise JL will not price match.If RS do have it,reserve it at JL (no purchase obligation) and then ask for the price match .6 ft is borderline for SD.Go and see it in action and make yr own mind up.Just tried the difference between 6 and 7 ft with Murray going balls up against the frog.(the other one without the Capital O)There is a slight difference.Bit more pixelated,specially his t-shirt.But it is marginal.


Do you find that far enough? I could maybe force the tv back to the 2.5m - 3m at a push


I have just bought, yesterday in fact a 37PX80 from JL on a PM against S&V and it's all to do with reading the info on this forum, so thank you all.

Whilst I was at JL at Bluewater, the salesman who served me told me that in Scotland they are trialing there 'never knowingly undersold' policy on an 8 mile radius, and the criteria is as RDG stated. And more interestingly for us customers further south, he also said that it very likely that the 8 mile radius may also soon apply to us.


I had a price match for 574 against S&V last thursday at Reading JL includes 5 year warranty.
Picture is great. We sit between 2-3m and we all love the picture, a massive improvement over our old 28".

2m on SD through the processor in a Sky HD box is absolutely no problem, (I just went down and tested it), not sure how it looks through normal terrestrial digital or whether there is a difference.

but once you bump up your tv size you should really consider HD since it makes the getting the 37" all the sweeter.


Yeah, I know I really should invest in Sky HD, I still think its a bit of a rip off though so im holding off till if/when the price comes down, either that or I'll end up going for freesat if it starts showing more HD chanels.

Done a few alterations to the living room and I can get a viewing distance of 8 feet so hopefully this should be ok(?). I've got the tv reserved at richer sounds and am goibg to view it on saturday but im still going to try the JL pricematch so fingers crossed.



For anybody thats interested I just ordered the tv from JL Glasgow. They're selling it for £569 + free delivery plus some promotion withh £100 of selected DVD recorders. I was on my way to Richer Sounds where I was going to pay £628 to get tv + warranty, lucky I double checked JL first.

So thanks to all for helping me finally get here. Now its time for some serious sleepless nights worrying about breaking it in, plasma burn etc.....


I have just seen this TV in John Lewis Kingston at £569, and they are also selling it for this price on their website - no price match needed!


As a side pount, can anyone tell me if the 37PX80 has a digital co-ax connection? If it does, what am I better using to connect to my home cinema kit: a digital co-ax cable or this:
Profigold Phono Cable



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