is screen burn really an issue?


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Aug 10, 2019
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hi all.

just a simple question, i really want to buy a 50in plasma but am concerned about channel logos as this is all we seem to watch,sky sports,bravo and the like with the channel logo consistent in the top right or left this something to worry about or am i just paranoid?


Having just gamed for six hours straight on halo 3 with no trace of retention or burn on my px 80 i have to agree with the prof on this.


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Jul 20, 2007
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I've gotta say that I noticed a faint outline of the google task bar while watching t.v yesterday, after being on the internet for a couple of hours. I thought it was just image retention and would go, but it's still there today. I hope I haven't ruined the set.


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Dec 28, 2007
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My set is very prone to image retention (3 year old Panny plasma), but it only takes a few seconds of normal TV viewing to scrub anything from my gaming sessions. The first time I was ever worried was when I once fell asleep playing Civilisation and woke up 8 hours later (at least) with exactly the same screen on the TV - the screensaver hadn't kicked in. I switched off the Xbox and it looked like the image was burned in. However, after switching to normal Freeview TV for a few minutes and then going back to a blank screen, all the image retention was gone and I realised no harm was done.


My brother bought the Panasonic 42PX80 and there is defo screen burn that you need to be carefull about. I think a game like Halo would be okay as it does not have any static graphics, or you can set the game to show no on-screen menus? We played a fighting game, which constantly has static graphics at the top of the screen, and after a couple of hours playing we noticed mild screen retention. This went after a little while of normal telly viewing.

Should only be an issue if you have a a graphic in the same part of the screen costantly, like Sky News or some games.

It is for this reason I personally went for a good gaming LCD (Sony 40W4000). Has virtually no lag (input delay when playing games) and no screen burn issues at all.


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Dec 28, 2007
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kage:We played a fighting game, which constantly has static graphics at the top of the screen, and after a couple of hours playing we noticed mild screen retention. This went after a little while of normal telly viewing.
Like you say, that's image retention - not screen burn. The two are very different things.


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Jun 28, 2007
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In normal home useage permanent screen burn on a modern Plaz should not be a problem unless you are a complete numpty and have your screen set to eyeball bleeding contrast and brightness levels and dont turn on any of the anti-burn features like piexl-shift etc. leave your pc on a web-browser for hours upon end then blame the screen!

I have 3 Plasma sets in my house dtaing back to a Panasonic series 5 which has no anti-burn gubbings and all of them have had their fair share of long gameing sessions and occasional falling akip with a static DVD menu left on screen for hours, yet none have any permanant image burn. It all comes down to how You use your Plasma and correctly setting it up first.


kage: We played a fighting game, which constantly has static graphics at the top of the screen, and after a couple of hours playing we noticed mild screen retention. This went after a little while of normal telly viewing. Should only be an issue if you have a a graphic in the same part of the screen costantly, like Sky News or some games. .As long as you dont play the same games or watch the same channels 24/7 you wont get screen burn. You may have a little image retention which will wash away after watching normal TV for a bit, as this post says. I watch lots of BBC News and at the weekend, SKY Sports news, both with logos, ticker tapes, static football scores etc. etc. No problem.


professorhat:kage:We played a fighting game, which constantly has static graphics at the top of the screen, and after a couple of hours playing we noticed mild screen retention. This went after a little while of normal telly viewing.
Like you say, that's image retention - not screen burn. The two are very different things.

Sorry yes, too much tea!

Screen Burn = permanent damage.

The PX80 does leave some screen retenntion sometimes, but it does go away. As all have said unless you have extreme viewing settings all should be fine. Just use some common sense ;)


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Aug 22, 2007
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When I was considering a plasma, I emailed the maufacturer of the set for their view. They covered their back in fairly spectacular fashion by recommending a long list of precaustions to take, that I couldn't possibly live with. Predictable, yes, but also a wee bit worrying, especially as it ran to things like changing the channel during ad breaks.

I'm probably over cautious, as we had sets in work that were permanently affected, and a friend tossed out a damaged set too.

I just wouldn't be able to watch a 2.35:1 movie without worrying about the black bars top and bottom!


i just use my plasma like i did my lcd! no issues to report yet


stottycake:I own a 3 year old Pioneer 436 which was `run in` and I still use with recommended `minimum` settings, i.e. dynamic contrast off, lowish brightness/contrast, energy save 2, when we had Sky my wife watched a lot of Living tv etc. I `zoomed` off channel logos religiously, the 436 can detect widescreen signal info via scart and automatically set aspect to `zoom`, however we now have Freesat HD via HDMI which seemingly does not trigger auto aspect, so I have not been `zooming` channel logos off the screen for the past couple of months after reassuring myself after 3 years I should not get screen burn/retention, but to my horror after watching ITV3 for 2 hours the logo was noticeably `retained` (I would call it burn, there is no difference), I have ran it `logo less` for the past 2 days since, the `retention` has faded slightly but is still there, I have read it will fade over time, but I am dismayed after being so carefull a couple of hours can wipe out 3 years carefull use, I will revert to zooming channel logo`s off screen, and hope the `retained` image fades completly.

I zoomed for the first 200 hrs or so but haven't bothered since. I skip channels during ads anyway.

Never a trace of any retention, let alone burn, on my 37px80. I game and watch movies etc etc. It is now a myth I think.


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