Is my cd player faulty?


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Aug 10, 2019
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My Cambridge Audio 840C cd player stops playing for a fraction of a second but VERY RARELY like omce a week? Did anyone had this problem? The thing is that my cds are spotless no single scratch so It must be a problem with cd. I don't know what to do as it happens so rarely. If I contact richer sounds they will tell me to send it bla bla bla it will take ages and at the end they may say it is nothing wrtong with it. They will listen to 10cds and it won't happen a single time and will say it is my cds. My warranty period is close to end so I'm worried it will get worse. What should I do??


I think you should contact them and tell them what you tell us here.

Maybe it's a known problem or there's a firmware upgrade that fixes it.


Cambridge Audio are pretty good at dealing with warranty issues like this, why don't you phone them first and they might at least authorise a repair for you before you have to rfeturn it to RS.

Also, if it ALWAYS happens in the same place with one or two particular CDs, why not send those CDs back with the player as well, with a note about what point the problem happens when playing the CD - or take the CDs with you to RS and demand to demonstrate the problem to them?


I just spoke to RS and they said if it happens with different cd's and if they are not scratched and it is so rarely as it is that means it is just dust moving across lens...and suggested to buy a lens cleaner... I'm not sure... They said if it is as rarely as once a week it is nothing wrong with cd player itself. It is just dust. I'm not to convinced but that is what they said...I got annoyed today cause it happened 3 times today but not even once in last 7-8 days....


I had the same issue with my Sony XA2ES a few years back. I quit smoking and cleaned the lens. Havent had a problem with it after that.


So, what is the forum verdict on these, as I have heard some say they have saved failing players while others say avoid them like the plague since they can damage a perfectly good laser lens - any thoughts and recommendations of particular ones?